Chapter 11*

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Hey, guys! I just finished typing Chapter 13 and 14 in German and wow...Nao will get really...uhm...intense? Bloodthirsty? A little insane? Yeeeeaaaaaah....something like that... I am a little shocked, but oh well. It seems like Sasuke rubbed off on her XD Enjoy the chappy ^^ hugs and kisses!! P.S., please feel free to vote, comment and critique! I'm happy about anything!


After all the teams were divided, it's finally lunch time. Sasuke walked on ahead while I go quickly to the toilet. When I arrived at our tree, he's still not there, and I run around looking for him everywhere. 

After five minutes I see him sitting on a bench with Sakura, but there is something wrong with him. I get closer and hear him actually talking to her. At that moment I realize that it may not be Sasuke since he would never be caught sitting somewhere with Sakura voluntarily or even hold a conversation with her. 

I'm going back into the building and hear a faint "Hmm! HmHmmmm!" I follow the noise and open a door which leads into a storage room. In it, I finally discover the bound and gagged real Sasuke. "What a sight to see! A pretty tied up present for any fangirl!" 

He just looks at me angrily. I squat down and take the tape on his mouth off. "OW! Can't you be a bit more careful?" Shaking my head, I loosen his binds and ask him: "How did Naruto manage to gag you and toss you in here?" 

He sighs. "At first he transformed into you, and I haven't noticed it immediately because he hardly spoke. Then he just took me by surprise. But do you know where he is?" I just laugh. 

"He is pretending to be you and tries to flirt with Sakura." He immediately jumps to his feet and runs outside. Shaking my head, I go back inside to eat my bread alone in the classroom.

>>> Timeskip <<<

For several hours we are waiting for our new sensei already, but he is still not here yet. Naruto runs up and down the room, Sakura is sitting on a bench, Sasuke is sitting in his 'brooding pose' and I sit next to him with my head on his shoulder and try to sleep. 

After various curses, Naruto decides to jam the blackboard eraser between the door so that it falls upon our sensei, as he opens it. "Hehehe, he shouldn't have to make us wait for so long, dattebayo." 

Naruto rubs his hands enthusiastically. "He is a Jonin. I don't think he will fall for it." Speaks Sasuke while Sakura just nods her head in agreement: "Exactly." I sigh and sit upright when I hear approaching footsteps. 

A hand pushes the door open, and the sponge falls with a chalk cloud onto a known silver head. "My first impression of you ... I hate you." "Well ... we actually know each other already, so I'm not going to count myself into that statement." 

I cross my arms over my chest while grinning. Kakashi-san only rolls with the eyes. "Come up to the roof." He disappears in a puff of smoke. Sasuke turns questioningly to me. "I had lived with him for some time when I first arrived here." 

He nods, puts his hands in his pockets, and we all go up the stairs together and sit on the steps there. I sit between Naruto and Sasuke, place my head back on his shoulder while Sakura sits down beside him. 

"Introduce yourselves." After some back and forth, it looks like Kakashi is going to make an example. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. Things I like or don't like ... eh, I don't want to tell you. My dream...well... and hobbies ... I have many." 

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