Chapter 17

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Hey guys! Next Chapter is here and the last sad one for a few. BUT tonight I got an idea for the plot in Shippuden and let me tell you...I wrote the idea down and started to cry! I'm such a bad little author, but it will take some time until we reach there. For now...Please enjoy.

Oh! And a question...should I let Haku and Zabuza keep living?

Hugs and kisses Angi ^^


3rd Person POV

For Tsunami it was not easy to treat the boy in front of her. He is only a few years older than her son Inari and she could not imagine what she would do, if someone would hurt her little boy like that. So far she has washed him as good as she could and cleaned his back, but she couldn't do any more for him.

Sadly she looks at his pale face and gently strokes a small red-brown curl out of his face. He sighs and mutters something before he slides back into deep sleep. After she dried her hands on a towel she gets up and leaves the room.

When she comes down, Kakashi and Sasuke are the only ones in the room and she wonders where the girl with the pink hair and the blonde boy are. She sends Kakashi a questioning look and he answered her unspoken question.

"They went looking for a doctor. They need to have the feeling, they could help." She nods with a small smile. "How is he?" Asks Sasuke in a low tone. Tsunami sighs. "I've got him cleaned as far as I could, but his wounds on the back ..."

Sadly, she shakes her head. "The idea with the doctor was probably a good one. I have it indeed disinfected and bandaged, but I think they need to be stitched. Who can do such a thing to a child?" She asks no one in particular and goes to the kitchen to cook, so the Shinobi have something to eat.

Her hands have something to do and she can distract herself from her little patient above. Sasuke gets up from his chair and goes up without a word into Nao's room. There he sits down on the chair, which Tsunami just sat on and takes Nao's right hand in his.

After staring at his friend silently for a few minutes, the first tears start falling. He has not cried since the funeral of his parents but here he is sitting now, besides the bed of the only person that is really important to him and is crying his eyes out of his head.

After the mourning the anger comes up within him. Who would dare to harm him such a way?! If he gets those people in his fingers ... He unconsciously presses Nao's hand tighter. "Ouch ..." He sighs softly. "Morning... you look as if you wanted to cook someone in boiling oil." He whispers in a hoarse low voice.

That's not a bad idea, Sasuke thinks and his gaze softens as he looks in turquoise eyes. "Morning. We were worried when you collapsed just like that." Nao smiles at him sorry. "It was not intentional. Where are the others?"

"Kakash-sensei is downstairs and Naruto and Sakura are getting a doctor. Your wounds probably need stitches." Nao only nods and briefly closes his eyes. "What happened?" Sasuke wants to know.

Nao's POV

I look in his onyx eyes and reply: "I'll tell when Naruto is back. I will not have to repeat myself. I just wonder whether Sakura should hear  it or not, it was not pretty and some things are not... for the faint-hearted. " 

Sasuke nods. "Maybe she should decide for herself." It comes from the doorway. There are Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi and an unidentified senior man standing with white upper lip beard and equally white hair and coat. 

He has a friendly round face and glasses on his nose. "My name is Sado Umnio. I am the resident doctor here. Can I please take a look at your back?" I nod at him and Sasuke moves to give him space. Sado is sitting down and unwinds the bandages. 

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