Chapter 27

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Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long, but I was honestly too lazy... XD hope you forgive me. A big shoutout to *drumroll* Princessbunners !!! Thank you sooooo much for your votes and comments ^^ ! I'm a sucker for comments ~(°<°~)  \(^o^)/  (~°>°)~ 

a little warning: mild cursing and sexual scenes.... -> without further ado....

hugs and kisses Angi ^^


Sasuke POV (it's been a long time, no ^^?!)

Two days have passed since the attack of Orochimaru and the Sound Nin and still no life sign of Nao. If only I had not become unconscious! Angry, I slam my fist on the ground. We are currently sitting around a fire and cook the fish we have just caught. 

I run my hand through my hair and stare into nothing. Going up against Orochimaru, she doesn't stand a chance, so it is quite possible that she has been dead for some time now... Fucking crap! Why does she has to play the heroine anyway? 

I take a finished fish and eat without tasting anything. If she is still alive, what danger she has to face right at this moment, now that she's all alone. Many teams will want to use this situation to their advantage. 

Sakura begins to ramble something about the chances of finishing this test, as we still have to get an earthscroll. The Chunin exams don't really matter to me at the moment! We briefly discuss how we will proceed. 

"Nao-kun is probably already on the way towards the tower and waits for us there! He could not be beaten so easily!" Says Sakura with hope in her voice. "Yes, that would suit him! Dattebayo!" Naruto throws in his two cents. 

Abruptly I get up. I can not continue to listen to this conversation. "I'll go to fetch more water." Briskly I walk to the river and fill our bottles with water again. In the water I see my reflection and consider it briefly. 

My normally perfect-looking hair is messy, I have a frown on my face, dark circles of sleepless nights and bloodshot eyes. I think it's the first time in my life, that I really look like shit. Angry, I hit my hand on the water surface, so that my reflection distributes. Hopefully we soon run into an unsuspecting team on the way, where I can take out my anger ...


With a throbbing headache, I wake up. With much efforts I manage to open my heavy eyelids. Blinking, I try to see my surroundings sharper. "Why again must we take care of the tot?" Asks a boy's voice. 

"Hey! Do not call him that! He is really good looking. I'd like to get to know him a little better ..." says a female voice. "Be quiet, Kin! And Zaku how many times do I have to tell you that Kabuto-sama wants it like this! We should keep an eye on him and later he will pick him up!" says another male voice that sounds as if he has something down in his throat ... 

 "But we are still wounded from the fight against this Sasuke. I just want to have my rest." says the first one again. A battle against Sasuke? Is he alright? What about Naruto and Sakura? I need to find a way out of here to escape. 

At last, the world is in its proper axis again, and I can finally see clearly. I lie tied up in a stone hallow and the people who have spoken are sitting a few feet away from me around a small fire. I test whether I can move my arms and legs, quite inconspicuously of course, because I do not want them to notice that I'm awake. 

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