Chapter 43

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Hello! XD Update~ YAY!

After the search party was healthy again, they all went home in disappointment and grief. When Naruto arrives at his apartment to lock the door open, he looks at Nao's. Suddenly, he takes his key and opens the door to the abandoned apartment, whose owner will probably never step in again.

Tears appear in his eyes with the familiar smell of Nao's premises. Everything looks clean and tidy. Nowhere lies something around, quite as if Nao had cleaned before he went off together with Sasuke.

He turns on the light and immediately notices the envelopes on the living room table. Slowly he lifts them up and reads the names on them. Tsunade-sama, Kakashi-sensei, Sakura-chan and also Naruto is written on them.

He falls onto the sofa and holds his letter in his hands with watery eyes. He wonders whether he should open it or not, but ultimately his curiosity wins, and he hopes that all of this situation was only a stupid joke of him. He tears the paper open and takes the pages out of the envelope. He begins to read the lines, which are addressed to him.

Dear Naruto,

If you read this letter, I will probably be long gone. I'm sorry I did not say goodbye, but I know you would have tried to stop me. I could tell you all my reasons why I have done what I have done right now, but that would not change the present situation.

The reason I went with Sasuke is mainly the following: He needs me. Otherwise, he would plunge into infinite darkness. I know you understand what I mean by that. You too have seen this darkness inside him of whom I am speaking.

I can't try to convince him to stay in Konoha, or he will not take me with him. All I can do is stand along with him on the edge of the abyss and hold onto him tight, so he doesn't fall. Because if he falls, that would be the end of our Sasuke. In his place would be a hate-consumed demon who would destroy everything in his vicinity. Quite dark words coming from me, right?

Believe me, leaving you was the hardest thing I had to do in my life so far. Even the physical and mental torture I have experienced were easier for me to bear than the pain in my heart to leave you.

I beg of you not to follow or to search for us! When Sasuke has finished his revenge, I will haul him back to Konoha. So don't worry about it. Besides, I'll try to write you letters while I'm at the wannabe vamps lair. I can not promise it because they will not allow me if I ask them nicely. So I have to do it secretly, and I can't get caught. So don't be too angry, if I can't often write to you.

I will always think of you and miss you. I love you, Naruto. Never forget that. As soon as we get back, we'll eat a large portion of Ramen together. OK?

With love

P.S. Please don't flip out now, but ... I'm actually a girl.

After reading the last line, a loud "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!" is heard in all of Konoha and all birds from the village fly away in fear. Naruto reads his letter over and over again because he still can't and doesn't understand why the two of them can't simply train here in Konoha.

Carefully, he folds his letter and takes the others with him, so that he can hand them over to the appropriate people. He dries his tears with his arm and leaves the apartment. His first stop is at Sakura-chans.

He knocks at the door and waits until someone opens it. A sick looking and disheveled Sakura opens the door, and he puts the letter into her in her hand. "I found it in Nao's apartment. It's addressed to you."

Shocked, she looks at the envelope, and Naruto doesn't wait for her reply but walks in the direction of Hokage Tower. When he arrives at Tsunade's office, he also meets Kakashi-sensei, and he can hand over the last two letters.

"They're from Nao, I've found them in his-" He stops himself. "-in her apartment." Without another word and without seeing the surprised faces of the two, he goes back home. There he lies down on his bed and reads the letter again.

"I'll look for you anyway, Nao. I still can't understand why you ran away and I'll haul you both home right away." With his clenched fists, he stares at the ceiling and plans what he will do next.

In the meantime, the other three quietly read their letters at home. Each content is different, and each has different responses. Tsunade is a bit angry about her impertinence but amused at the same time. Kakashi-sensei is sad but confident that everything will be well again and Sakura ... poor Sakura fainted because the news was too much for her.

Hello, Tsunande-sama!

Thank you for healing me and for the mentally disturbing sexual education. I will never be able to look at a sausage or a donut again without shuddering or without thinking of you (and other things). I will send you the information as soon as I can. So remember our deal. Otherwise, I will tell Orochimaru that you are interested in him... romantically! 😝

Stay young and don't drink so much!


Dear Kakashi-sensei!

I'm sorry I did not say good-bye, but I hate farewells. I just want to let you know that I will take care of Sasuke and myself. We will train hard and get stronger than you can imagine. When Sasuke has reached his goal, we will come back. Take care of yourself and the others for me!
Thank you for all you've done for me. You are for me like the big brother I never had.
Do not read so many porn and find a girlfriend with whom you can do it!

See you later

Dear Sakura-chan!

I'm sorry I did not say good-bye, but I hate farewells. Don't worry about us. I'll make sure to take care of Sasuke. I would have liked to get to know you a bit better, but maybe we can catch up later when I brought Sasuke home.
Train hard so we can fight each other when we get back.

Take good care of yourself and don't be so sad.


P.S. Before I forget ... I am a girl and Sasuke, and I are together (as a couple). 😁


Important!!!!!! This is the end of book 1. I will edit this book a bit before I begin writing the second one. I purchased a software just for that (it was sooooo expensive!). Stay tuned! Hugs and Kisses... Angi

My new life - Naruto Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें