Chapter 36

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Hey guys! Update time! hope you enjoy!

And I've written a Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji Fan-Fiction with the name Growing Insane. If you're a fan, please take a look. If not....well take a look, too. XD But be warned. It gets bloody. Hugs and kisses Angi 


Sometimes I hate it when I'm right. The door to my room is unlocked and Kabuto comes in. He holds a tray with a syringe in his hands and puts it on the chest of drawers. "Good morning, Nao. As I can see you were still able to move as far that you reached your food." He pushes the glasses back with a grin.

I do not react and just look at him blankly. I would not have the strength to resist him anyway. He takes the syringe in which a milky liquid floats and comes towards me. "This is the same poison that I gave you when I took you from Konoha." He wags the syringe in front of my face.

"Orochimaru could not subdue Konoha and he suffered serious injuries, so we have to go straight to the next hiding place. And so that you do not cause any trouble..." Inwardly cheering that they did not manage to take over Konoha , I shrug my shoulders. "I have no choice anyway, right?"

Kabuto giggles a little, which just gets him higher on my creepometer. "How smart you can be. Of course, you have no choice." He stabs the needle in my arm and my body is slowly getting numb. It's a really bad feeling to have absolutely no control over your limbs. I can do nothing more than glare at him.

He takes me bridal style in his arms and leaves 'my room'. At the entrance / exit, he looks down at me grinning. "Don't you dare-" And I already fly high through the air. With an 'Uff' I land with my back on the ground. As soon as Kabuto is up, he picks me up again.

"You ... Sodding semen piper! Wagon amputee! Overrated fudge hole butler! Cum guzzling thunder cunt!" I curse myself silly and stupid but he does not react. "Just wait until Sasuke comes! You can not hurt him like me because Orochimaru needs him. He'll wipe the floor with you and I'll laugh right next to him!"

??? POV (who is it? ;-))

My partner and I are in the woods when we hear strange insults. We look at each other and nod to analyze the situation. We hide our chakra signature and squat down on a branch. From there, we see no one less than Orochimaru's Boy Toy Kabuto. In his arms, he carries a boy with reddish brown hair, the clothes are dirty and torn, and he is the one who so desperately curses at Kabuto.

"... Cum guzzling thunder cunt!" My partner tries not to laugh out loud as his shoulder twitches uncontrollably. I can not help myself with a small grin but no one can see it because my coat covers my mouth. We watch the scene a bit until a familiar name leaves the boy's lips.

What does this boy have to do with Sasuke and above all what does Orochimaru want from him? Although I'm pretty sure of what he is after. Kabuto starts to laugh. "Orochimaru-sama would never allow Sasuke-kun to interfere with me and he's certainly not strong enough to beat me. Now shut up and be a good bait, or I will give you the other poison. Maybe you'll survive that too."

I don't like the idea to leave the boy in the hands of Kabuto, especially if he is to be used as bait for Sasuke. My partner will want to know why I did what I'm going to do now, but I just tell him that I wanted to get back at Orochimaru as thanks for the thing with my eyes.


While I continue to insult Kabuto, I notice a small movement out of the corner of my eyes. I pause and arouse the attention of my guardian. "Wha-" Suddenly two men are standing before us. One is huge, 6,3 large and his skin is a light blue. He also has small round white eyes, gill-like facial markings under said eyes and his grin shows sharp triangular teeth.

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