Chapter 19

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Hey guys! Here is the next chapter ^^. i know it's a little boring but you need to know this... please feel free to vote, comment and critique!

hugs and kisses Angi ^^


When I wake up early the next morning, he still is not back and I immediately dress to go looking for him. Meanwhile I can move so much better, because the swelling is going back. After searching in the nearby area around the house, I discover him in a clearing a while later.

A small smile steals itself on my face. As he lies there sleeping peacefully, with small birds pecking at him. Before I can wake him I feel someone behind me. Discreetly I reach for a kunai and turn around quickly and go into an attacking position.

"You were right, Nao-kun. We'll meet again." My eyes widen as Haku, dressed in a girlish Yukata and with a basket full of herbs in his hand,emerges from behind a tree . I smile at him. "Good to see you again Haku!"

He slowly comes toward me. "I heared you've escaped from Gato. He was very angry about it." Impish he smiles back. I fold my arms across my chest, staring angrily in the air in front of me.

"Tch. That stupid ass whipped me! And then he left me with a pedophile guard, who almost buyed me!" Haku is shocked and looks at me with wide eyes. "What?!" I nod at him and show him my back. "Oh Kami, Nao-kun! I'm so sorry."

I turn back to him and get dressed. "It's not your fault, Haku. But I have to tell you something important first." Serious I look at him. "Before I escaped, the security guard told me that Gato will deceive you. If you 'finished us off', he wants to kill you! You can not let this sorry excuse of a man use you!"

I implore him. He looks at me sadly. "Nao-kun, we are Nukenin. We are used and that way we earn our money. This is normal for us, but I'll tell Zabuza what you heard. Thanks for the warning." I just nod and look at the ground.

"Hey." He raises my chin up with two fingers so he can look me in the eye. "I really do like you Nao-kun, but the next time we meet, we will be enemies. But right now we are still friends. So show me your back. I have herbs here that will help with the healing."

Thankfully I smile at him. After he has smeared a paste on my back, we go over to Naruto and are smiling down at him. "He's my cousin. The only living blood relative who is still around." I kneel down beside him and caress his cheek lovingly.

"He looks like a nice young man." Suddenly I have an idea. Maybe I can cook Haku until he is soft  when he meets my cousin. Naruto has a strange effect on people and maybe he manages to sneak into Haku's heart.

"Could you please wake him up? I must go back, or my friends will come looking for me." Haku smiles and nods. I go up to him and hug him tight. "Even if we now see each other the last time as friends or even if we kill each other, you should know that I like you and I'm very happy to have met you Haku."

He is paralyzed and when I let go of him, I see his desperation. "Goodbye, Haku. Greetings to Zabuza and we will see each other soon." So I turn around and a single tear runs down my cheek, in mourning for losing a friend who will be my enemy from now on.

I just come back as Sasuke leaves the house. When he sees me he rushes toward me. "OI! Baka! We were worried about you!" I smile at him. "I wanted to look for Naruto, but was getting tired and therefore came back."

I lie at him for the first time. He narrowed his eyes to slits. "I do not believe you at all. Now clean up and eat. I'll find your idiot of a cousin." I embrace him briefly and whisper a "Thank you." in his ear before I go back inside.

After an otherwise fairly quiet breakfast, the two of them still have not resurfaced and Kakashi-sensei, Sakura and I are looking for them. In the clearing where the three of them trained, we finally found them.

"Look what I can do now! Dattebayo." Greets us a good humored Naruto from a tree branch. "Super Naruto! Now get down so you can go eat something!" I call back. Just as he wants to go down again, he's losing the concentration and begins to wobble.

"NARUTO!" I call desperate, because the road down is quite long. But he get's it again and now hangs upside down from the road. "Hahaha! You schould have seen your faces!" But as soon as he has finished his sentence, he really begins to fall.

I gasp in horror, but Sasuke is right there and catches him at his foot. "Sasuke, you're soo cool!" Sakura shouts. I walk slowly toward them and Naruto swallows hard. "N-Nao ... it w-was just a j-joke!"

I swing my fist back and hit him with a hard blow on the head, so he gets a huge bump. "Idiot!" I'm making a "Tch." sound, turn around and go back ahead to the house.

Sakura is now back on the road with Tazuna to 'protect' him while Sasuke and Naruto try to reach the tree top. Kakashi-sensei is now alone with me in the house and I want to tell him the truth about my gender.

A battle with Zabuza and Haku appears inevitable and therefore he will have to use his Sharingan. "Uhm ... Sensei? Can I talk to you?" Shocked, he looks at me and nods. "Could we perhaps discuss it in your room? I do not want someone to overhear us. It is important, I think."

He goes ahead of me up the stairs and into his room. Once there, I close the door behind me and sit myself in front of him. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. Now or never. "Look. I'm biologically a ... girl."

His eyes get as large as a plate and I can see through the mask that his mouth hangs open. "WHAT?!" he almost screams the house together. I put a finger to his lips and doing "Shhh!". Frantically he continues more quietly.

"B-but you and I ... we were BATHING together! YOU were bathing with the other BOYS .... We have seen you all naked! And you US!" He is bright red in the face and smoke is forming around his head.

"Oh Kami! How could you hide it for so long?" I clear my throat uncomfortable. "So, when puberty began to change my body I asked for help from the Hokage. He taught me the transformation jutsu so I could know ..."

I point at my chest and on my genitals. He nods and gets still a level redder. "I have practiced for so long until not even see a Jonin can see through my transformation. Only kage and sanin are capable, also the Sharingan."

He takes it all in and finally he understood. "So you tell me your secret now. When we fight against Zabuza I would need my Sharingan and would see it anyway." I nod at him. "But you know that even Sasuke ..."

"Yes, I know * sigh *. But as long as he does not have it yet, I won't tell him anything. I'm afraid that he and Naruto would treat me differently and I don't want that." Kakashi-sensei sighs, but nods after a while.

"It's your decision, but I think they deserve to know. But why are you hiding it?" I tell him the story. Sadly, he looks at me. "I do not think your father would have loved you more, if you had actually been a boy."

I shrug my shoulders. "I do not know and I'll probably never will. But keep it to yourself. Okay?" "OK." Relieved I sigh out. "But one thing you have to tell me." I look at him quizzically. "From whom did you copy your parts?"

"My parts?" "Your male sex organ. You have to have it copied from somewhere. And I'm interested in who's built as good as yours." I turn red and clench my fists. With a powerful blow in his face he crashes into the wall and I scream: "You pervert". Snorting I turn on my heels and storm out. I hear Kakshi-sensei  "I didn't mean it like that!" mumble and then I shut the door behind me.

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