Chapter 13

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Hey guys! Two chapters in one I'm awesome if I can say that about myself... XD anyway...finally some real action and I must say I quiet like this ^^ after this one, poor Nao will face an....situation, but the warnings will have to wait until it gets to chapter 14 ^^ please enjoy.

P.S. vote, comment and critique please XD hugs and kisses Angi


Packed and ready to leave, I am 15 minutes later at the gate. Sasuke and Tazuna are already there, waiting for us. I stand next to Sasuke and lean against him, because the conversation with the Hokage left me slightly worried. 

"What is it?" He looks at me quizzically. But before I am forced to give him an answer, Tazuna intervenes. "Are you two gay?" he asks, his face pale. Sasuke's eyebrow twitches while I just sigh tired of judgmental people. 

"No, we are not." I only say. "But you are acting like you are!" "Even if we were, it shouldn't have to interest you. I don't care what you or everybody else thinks. I'll do what I want and I don't care what you say. And if you do not like it old man, then I can show you a world of pain as soon as you're at home or simply shut up! " 

I glare at him long and evily until he lowers his shocked gaze and walks away quietly muttering to himself. Then Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto finally arrived and we are ready to march. "Aah! Finally out of the village, dattebayo!" 

Naruto shouts out while I only nod. Tazuna looks at us with a frown. "You have never been outside of the village?" I answer for Naruto. "We were not." That seems to wonder Sakura, since she does not know my story yet. 

"But you're not from the village originally ...?" I just smile mysteriously and shrug while she sighs dreamly. "Man you're really smooth, boy. Would not believe that you're a womanizer after the thing just now..." 

Again I glare at him with a shut-your-mouth-or-I-cut-your-tongue-out-look and he falls silent. While Tazuna begins to argue with Naruto, Sasuke appears beside me again. "What was that just now?" I play dumb and I tilt my head quizzically to one side. 

"What do you mean?" He comes closer and hisses in my ear: "You know exactly what I mean Nao. You needed to feel security which is why you leaned on to me, so do not tell me it's nothing. What have you discussed with the Hokage?" 

As playng dumb doesn't help, I dodge it. "He talked to me about something that had me worried, but I do not want to talk about it. Can you please drop be the topic now ?" I look at him imploringly. 

Sighing, he runs his hand through his hair and mutters: "But only this one time." Since the others are now finally finished with talking, we make our way to the Land of Waves. After a few hours I notice movements behind us that do not come from animals. 

Kakashi-sensei also noticed and he slumps back to me. "It seems that bandits are tailing us. Can you set up a few traps, so they won't follow us anymore?" I just nod and run a good deal ahead of the others. 

"Where are you going Nao?" Shouts Naruto from behind. "Just going to pee real quick!" I call back and run as long so they can no longer see me. Which means the bandits can not either and I climb up a tree. There I set a few Kunai with wires up and attach here and there a few bombs on them. 

When I hear my team I behave quietly and hide my chakra signature. After they are gone I start to place the remaining traps. After about 20 minutes I'm finished with everything and just in time, because in front of me appear four bandits. 

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