Chapter 26

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Hey guys! Here's the new chapter! it's a little short, but well...the next will get longer ;-) aaaaand who do you think will appear here??? well read to find out ^^

feel free to vote, comment and critique. hugs and kisses Angi

The feeling in my stomach turns out to be correct, because I have just arrived by their side as a strange thing bites Sasuke in the neck like a vampire. I gasp and cry out: "SASUKE" as I jump down to him. The thing withdraws and Sasuke holds his neck. 

At the place where this thing has bitten him, there are three comma like symbols forming. Sakura runs to him and weeps while Ishortly look around for Naruto. He is unconsciously hanging with a Kunai trough his jacket attached to a tree. 

After I look around the place briefly, I ask Sakura what the hell happened here. "T-this man a-attacked us and b-burned our heaven scroll. S-Sasuke and Naruto h-have fought him, but he was t-too strong for them." I nod with my head. The guy gives me a very creepy feeling. The same as the black-haired and white-haired guys at the first test.

Protectively I position myself before my teammates. "What else do you want from us? You burned our scroll already!" I shout at our enemy. The nutcase begins to laugh. "I was waiting for you, Nao." Frowning I look at him. "How do you know my name?" Somewhat knowing he grins at me. "Oh, I know a lot about you ..."

I like that thing over there less and less, then suddenly Sasuke stops screaming and collapses. "Sakura-san. Take Sasuke and Naruto out of here and bring them to safety. I'm going to buy you some time." "B-but Nao ..." I turn my head over my shoulder to gaze at them.

Smiling, I look at her. "Do not worry. I'll be fine. As soon as I can, I will follow you. Okay?" Again I smile reassuringly until she finally nods. She forms Chakra in her arms and carries Sasuke over the right shoulder while she throws Naruto over the other. For the last time she looks around at me and I wave her bye.

After the three are out of harms way, I sigh with relief. Then I turn back to the insane man. "And now to us. What exactly do you want from me?" "Nao, Nao, Nao." he shakes his head with a stupid grin. "Actually, I just want to help you." Scoffing, I roll my eyes. "Suuuuuuure." He pulls up a black eyebrow and shakes his head in amusement.

"You know what? I've talked enough. It bores me. I'm going to do that which I came here for and then we'll meet soon again anyway. My name is Orochimaru by the way." I quickly pull out a kunai and stand with spread legs in defense mode.

I know that I don't have a chance against this guy, but I have to give Sakura some time to flee to safety. I can not even blink and he's already in front of me. At the last moment I dodged a kick in the face, by letting myself fall into a crouch. I try to cut him with the Kunai on the thighs, but he's gone again.

Before I can even search for him, I get a solid kick to the back. I'm crashing at full speed into the nearest tree. My head and my back hurt like hell, but I do not have time to give it a lot of thought because he shows up behind me again. I let myself fall to the ground and roll out of the way as the tree behind me, where I just stood comes crashing down to the ground.

Still in a squatting position I make the hand sign for my Wild-Water-Wave, but I can not finish it because this Oro-guy grabs me by the throat. He's just too fast for me! He hits me with the back of my head against a tree and lifts me up in the air, while he cuts off my air supply. My hands grab his forearm trying to hold myself up as I kick him.

With a step to the side, he dodges and pushes one leg between mine, so I can not kick him anymore. He gets very close to my face, almost as if he wanted to kiss me. Ew ... But he looks  only deeply into my eyes and says something that makes my blood freeze. "Why does such a pretty girl hide behind a transformation jutsu?"

Wide-eyed, I stare into his snakelike yellow visual organs. He smiles sadistically when he sees my expression. With his free left hand he slowly pushes my shirt apart, so my bandaged breasts emerge. Again, I try to free myself from his grasp, because this perverts does not have the right to look at me like this.

"Oh, you're shy?" he asks me innocently. "You bastard!" I call out. Why are those pedos always after me? His cold hands wander briefly over my bare stomach and I tremble with disgust. Gritting my teeth, I hiss: "Do not touch me!" Again this pig just  grins at me and lowers his head a little.

When his long tongue licks from the beginning of my bandages up to my ear, I almost throw up hating this feeling. "Mmmmhhh. You taste so good, so youthful. But unfortunately I have to hurry a bit." He winks at me. This long tongue stunt looks so familiar. "Y-you're t-this black-haired guy n-next to me at the written t-test prior to this one, aren't you?"

I press out despite having next to no air. Somewhat surprised, he looks up again. "Attentive little thing, are you?" He opens his mouth and two fangs grow out of his mouth. Shocked I stare at him. He wants make me a vampire too?! Shortly, before he can bite me, I create a mini-shield over my shoulder. 

Annoyed, he raises his head again. "Why are you still bitching? Sasuke-kun has already received my gift." "But I don't want your stupid hickey of doom! I also have no desire to drink blood!" Confused, he blinks and then shrugs. "It is actually not so important. When you come to me, you're going to get it anyway."

"Why should I want to go to a pedophile voluntarily?" Again he grins at me knowingly. "Because I'm the only one who knows about the Celtic stones." I look at him with plate like eyes. Laughing, he lets go of me and I sink down the tree exhausted. The fight and Shield have quite drained me. I rub my aching throat. "We will meet again soon, Nao-chan." And with a gust of wind he disappeared. Well. At least I am still human ...

Now I have to think of a way of how to find the others. I brush my hair ot of my sweaty face and brace myself against the tree trunk to get back on my feet. After that I tie up my Uwari properly again. I hurt everywhere, but I can not pay my wounds any mind at the moment. After all I am alonehere and each team will want to attack me.

The simplest would be to run to the tower, because I'll definitely meet my team there. On the other hand I am very worried about the three of them. Naruto and Sasuke are unconscious and Sakura is alone and probably too weak to defeat another team alone. In the end I decide to search the surrounding area for them.

If I should not find them I have no other choice than to walk to the tower. Hours later I stillhave not found them and I am finished. Exhausted, I climb a tree with my last bit of strength, to hide in the high canopy, while I gain my strength back. I sink down on my butt on a branch with my back to the trunk and lean my head against the tree.

Again and again my eyes want to close, but I don't dare to fall asleep. After a few minutes I hear a loud crack below me. Instantly red alert I silently jump to my feet and pull out a kunai. I lean a bit forwards and see a man from Konoha under me, who seems to look for something. I behave very quiet and only breathe weakly, when I feel a well-known pain on my neck. Great. Incapacitated with Senbon. AGAIN! Sometimes i hate my life...

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