Chapter 28

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Hey guys! Here is the next chapter! It's just a little filler thing, but please enjoy it nevertheless. And an announcement.... This book got over 1.000 views and over a 100 votes!!!! Thank you sooooooo much, guys! *Hands out cookies*

Hugs and kisses Angi ^^


Once I went through the door I find myself in a small room where a bed and a table with three chairs stands. Exhausted, I let myself fall on the bed and take out my seal scroll. I place it on the floor so that the seal lies open, bite my thumb, and make the appropriate hand signals.

"Summoning Jutsu" I slam my hand on the ground and my fully packed bags appear in a small poof. I open the largest one and take out my spare clothes because my current ones are a bit ripped.

After I changed my clothes I'm looking for my toothbrush, toothpaste and shower cream as I was (thanks to Kabuto) unconscious since before yesterday, so I could not keep my hygiene. I grab the things and make my way to search for a bathroom.

I walk through the other door I have seen, when I entered the room and walk down the hall. Thanks to the signs, it is not difficult and I clean up myself. After that I finally feel like myself again and I quickly run back to my 'room' to grab a bite.

Shortly thereafter, someone knocks on my door. Confused, I get up and open it. Before me standa a middle aged man who is bowing briefly. "The time has expired and all shall gather in the main hall."

Before I can thank him for his information, he turns around and hurries on. Shrugging I pack my things together and follow a few signs to the main hall. There, some Genin are already assembled and I find myself looking for my team.

Although all the time I have tried to distract myself, I had been very worried. After all, two of the three were unconscious when I saw them the last time. I see the three ninja of Sunagakure, the Otogakure team (they stare at me darkly, especially Kin), Team 8 and Team 10 (which I briefly wave at) and Team Gai.

Just now another Konoha team comes in through the door, two of the three are unknown to me. But one face I know only too well. Kabuto ... When he sees me he smiles at me maliciously, and I am inclined to show him a certain finger.

When the door opens once more an orange ball shoots toward me. I'm hugged so hard that I almost feel my ribs break. "NAOOOOOOOOOO!" Is Naruto screaming beside himself with joy. "We thought you were dead! What happened? Where were you? We were so worried! Dattebayo!"

I believe that I am now already starting to turn blue, because I'm missing oxygen for quite some time now which Sakura seems to notice. "Naruto! Let him go, you idiot! He can't breathe!" And finally I can suck air into my lungs again as Naruto lets me go.

I rub my ribs inconspicuous and turn around to Sakura. "Th-thanks. That was close ..." She smiles at me and nods. I turn to Sasuke who was silent all the time and it appears he is somewhere else with his thoughts.

I run to him and throw myself around his neck. However, unlike always where he hugs me back immediately, he stiffened. After a few seconds he seems to break out of his rigid and he inhaled a deep breath.

He immediately begins to relax a bit and returnes my gesture. I can not hold my tears back as I bury my face in his neck. "Thanks kami, you are alright. I was worried sick!" He seems to hear the tears in my voice, because he strokes my back soothingly.

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