Chapter 39

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait *bows* I was busy *coughs whispers* with reading other fan-fictions.... and totally forgot how long ago I last updated....PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!! *cries* Love ya all! Angi

A now familiar beeping is the first thing I hear as soon as I'm conscious again. "Is he awake already, dattebayo?" Shouts a loud voice next to me. I grumble and try to turn away from him. "It looks like he's waking up really slow. Let's leave him alone for now, Naruto." After that, the voices are getting quieter and a pulling sound later, my room is quiet again.

I drift back into a refreshing light slumber. The next time I wake up, I feel someone brushing my hair out of my forehead and someone is holding my left hand. I blink my eyes open and see nothing but blurry colors. After several blinks, I look to the left and see Sasuke sitting next to my bed.

He looks calmly into my eyes and sighs relieved. "S-Sas -..." "Shhh." He stands up from his chair and bends over me. When his warm breath sweeps my cheek, my eyes become big. His warm soft lips streak my forehead and his right hand holds my hair in a gentle but firm grip.

Sighing, I close my eyes and just enjoy it. After a few seconds, his lips and his hand disappear from me and he sits down again as I open my eyes. His left hand still holds my right hand clasped as he looks at me with somehow oddly empty eyes. "W-wh ..." I clear my throat and moisten my dry lips with my tongue.

"What happened? The last thing I know is ... I fought with Itachi, or at least I tried to ..." His hand presses mine harder. "He captured you in Tsukuyomi and then took you to the hotel where Naruto was. There was a fight between him and me, but ..."

Just now I realize that he is wearing a hospital attire. Worried, I look at him from top to bottom. "I'm so sorry." he said. "I could not save you, I could not even hurt him!" He clenches his hands furiously and stares at the ground.

With a worried frown, I notice how he retreats into himself. I can not allow this! "Hey." He does not react to me, so I shake his hand which is still clutching mine and shout a "HEY!". Slowly he glances at me and I look serious into his onyx eyes.

"No matter what you're thinking in that head of yours... No matter what you're going to do from now on ... Think it through carefully. I'm here. I'll always be there for you, whether you want it or not. If you do not want me, well ...fuck you. I'll follow you anyway, so do not even try it at all."

Without expression, his empty eyes gaze at me and he nods. I breathe out. I slide a little to the side on my bed and slap on the mattress. "Now come and lie next to me, otherwise you'll catch a cold and then we can not send Itachi's ass to hell right away."

He pulls up an eyebrow and shakes his head slightly amused but follows my request. I cuddle up to him under the blanket and he puts his arm around me. "I'm glad you're with me, Nao." He whispered at my head. I look up at him grinning. "And you will never get rid of me either."

Sakura POV

I walk through the hospital searching for Sasuke. I have brought a couple of apples because they are full of vitamins and help to convalesce. I knock on the room door where he and Nao are lying in but there is no answer. I gently push the door open and I find his bed empty.

Before I panic I look at Nao's bed and there they lie. Tightly entwined and a stab of jealousy bores into my heart. Why can not I be Nao? I'm even a girl! I put the basket down on the floor deliberately loud and pull a chair squeakingly to the bed.

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