Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Mr.Hot Back

It was the first day of school and after what had happened last year, I planned to start over. I woke up and grabbed my phone from my nightstand and placed headphones in my ears as I started to get ready. Once I was dressed, I walked out of my room and headed towards Elena's to make sure she was awake. I still had my headphones blasting music, so I didn't think to knock as I walked right in. Elena was sitting by her window with a solemn look on her face while writing in her journal, right after I entered her room and closed her door, her head snapped up and looked in my direction. I removed my headphones from my ears and explained why I barged into her room, "Hey El, just wanted to make sure you were up for school, sorry for intruding." I felt bad for walking in like that, I should've knocked, it is her room, not mine.

"Oh, that's alright Em, just if you could maybe knock next time?" She asked this question so quietly and it made me realize how much she's changed. She used to be so outgoing and bubbly but after our parents passed, she's been quiet and reserved. Out of all of us I think she got hit the worst by their loss, she was the only one who survived the accident and I know sometimes she feels guilty for that. She acts like she has this debt to repay, as if our parents dying was her fault and that she owes me and our brother, Jeremy, something.

"Of course, sorry. Will you be downstairs soon?" I asked. Elena closed her journal and looked up at me giving me a nod, I took this as my cue to leave as I placed my headphones back in my ears and headed downstairs.

Once I was downstairs I saw my aunt Jenna running around the kitchen trying to get everything together. She shouldn't have had to drop everything to take care of us, I wish she could have her life back and that we weren't the ones stealing it away from her. I took my headphones out and turned towards her, "Jenna, calm down, we know how to handle school on our own, don't worry about us," I told her, trying to get her to relax.

She looked at me with this 'are you serious?'  look and sighed, "It's my job to worry about you guys now, but Emory, what am I supposed to do? I've never done this before, do you need breakfast, I can make toast?" As she finished saying this, Elena came downstairs with Jeremy not far behind.

"It's all about the coffee, aunt Jenna," Elena said as she poured herself a cup.

"Pour me a cup please El, I can't survive without my caffeine," I said with a pleading smile. 

"Is there coffee?" Jeremy butted in as he walked over to Elena and took the cup she was pouring for me out of her hands.

"Hey, Jer that was supposed to be my cup," I said, annoyed, as I playfully hit his arm.

He looked at me with a slight smile, he held his arm, feigning pain, and acted innocent, "Oops, sorry Em."

"Yeah well you're going to be sorry if there isn't enough coffee left for me in that pot," I said, as I looked at the coffee pot to check how much is left. I saw just enough for one cup, making me extremely relieved as I poured myself some.

Jenna continued to run around the kitchen looking frazzled "It's your first day of school and I'm completely unprepared." She said.

"It's fine Jenna," I reassured her "you don't need to be prepared for anything alright? We all know what we're doing, we'll be fine."

"Yeah, Emory is right, we've got this," Elena added, giving Jenna an encouraging nod.

"Okay, anybody need anything," Jenna asked, holding up cash, "Lunch money?" Jeremy and I took it while Elena denied the offer.

Elena glanced at Jenna with a confused look on her face, "Don't you have a big presentation today?"

"I have a meeting with my thesis advisor," Jenna glanced at her watch "now," she pulled her hair out from its bun and gathered her stuff together.

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