Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 - Grand Theft Date

On Monday, as I was eating breakfast, Elena came storming down the stairs with an upset look on her face, "Are you that upset that it's Monday?" I asked her, "You know there's one every week, so you're going to end up being mad a lot."

Elena just rolled her eyes at me, "No, I'm upset because Caroline's new boyfriend tried to kiss me at the game on Friday," Elena was going to continue, but before she could I interrupted her.

"What?!" I yelled, "This happened on Friday, and you didn't tell me?" I asked, offended. Elena just shrugged her shoulders at me, "You waited 2 whole days to tell me!" I yelled.

"Sorry Em, but can we go back to the main problem here?" Elena asked me, causing me to sigh in response, but I didn't argue, "Caroline's boyfriend tried to kiss me, do I tell her?" Elena asked, obviously concerned.

"El, we both know she won't believe you, and also she probably would've done the same thing to him. They're perfect for each other," Elena gave me a disapproving look, "What?" I asked, feigning shock, "You know I'm right."

"Okay, but still," Elena continued, "What he tried to do was wrong, Em, and if I don't at least try to warn Caroline then I'm a bad friend," Elena said, causing me to groan and turn away from her as Jenna came downstairs.

"Morning Aunt Jenna," I said with an excessively kind smile.

"What do you want Emory?" Jenna asked. She knows me too well, I thought as I dropped my smile.

"Can you please make me some coffee?" I asked, "I'm watching the tv and I don't want to miss the latest gossip of Mystic the Death Count as High as the Empire State Building Falls," Jenna just rolled her eyes, but walked towards the coffee machine.

"I will," She said, agreeing with a sigh, "but only because Logan Fell is the one reporting, and I can't stand that prick," Jenna said with distaste as she glared at the tv.

"Wow, Aunt Jenna," Elena said, jumping into the conversation, "What's the story there?" Elena asked.

"Did your mom ever tell you why I moved away from Mystic Falls?" Jenna asked, looking at Elena and me as we both shook our heads.

"Wait!" Elena yelled in realization, "No way," Elena said turning towards Jenna shocked, "You and him?" She looked towards the tv and shrugged her shoulders, "Well, at least he's cute."

"He is not cute," Jenna argued defensively, "there's nothing cute about him," Jenna then angrily shut off the tv as she finished making coffee and gave me a cup.

"Thank you, Aunt Jenna," I said, "I love you, even with all of your eccentric boyfriend baggage," I said, rubbing her shoulder reassuringly.

She just smiled at me and playfully rolled her eyes, "I love you too," she said. Then she turned towards Elena who was now seated at the dining table, surrounded by what looked to be antiques, "What are you doing with those?" Jenna asked her curiously.

"I went yesterday and got it from the safe deposit box," Elena answered as she was polishing an object, "Mom had told Mrs.Lockwood that she would loan it to the founder's council for their heritage displays," Elena said. Her voice sounded sad at the mention of our mother, though she left a smile on her face and continued polishing the antiques.

Jenna picked up some of the objects and was looking at them when Jeremy came downstairs. He picked up one of the objects and looked to Elena, "How much do you think that stuff is worth?" He asked, moving it around in his hands inquisitively, "like on eBay?"

Elena ripped the object out of his hands, "You're not gonna find out," she replied, her tone sharp as she placed the object back in the pile with the others.

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