Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 - I'm a Unicorn

The next day was the car wash fundraiser. Caroline had been obsessing over it for the past two days. The second that school was out, Caroline had begun yelling at people, "Put up the banner, no it's crooked," she was yelling at three freshman boys who were putting up a banner that read Sexy Suds Carwash, "Girls, I told you no one pieces, go change," Caroline yelled exasperatedly at two girls who weren't wearing the apparently mandatory bikinis.

"Caroline," I yelled at her, catching her attention, "calm down," I told her as I went and stood beside her, "Everything looks great," I leaned down and grabbed a hose, spraying at her, "Now let's have some fun!" I shouted as I dropped the hose and ran towards Bonnie who was washing a car with Matt.

"Em, not cool!" Caroline yelled as I was running away.

"Hey guys," I said to Matt and Bonnie, panting after my escape from Caroline.

"Hey Em, tell Matt to stop staring at Elena and Stefan please?" Bonnie asked me, staring at Matt.

"Matt," I said disapprovingly, "it's unhealthy to dwell, just find someone new and better than Elena," I told him smiling.

Matt gave me a confused look, "better than Elena?" he asked me, "Don't pretend that's an easy thing to do,"

I threw a wet sponge at him, "Matt," I said sternly, "Stop pining and stop throwing yourself a pity party, get over it. It's high school, it's basically guaranteed heartbreak," I told him, as he just frowned at me.

A car pulled up next to the one we were washing and someone came over and started insulting it, making both me and Bonnie mad, "Shut up," I said to her, she just rolled her eyes and leaned down to grab the bucket of water. Bonnie was staring angrily at her and I was trying to get her attention, "Bonnie?" I asked, but then the bucket of water exploded in the girl's face and Bonnie stepped back surprised, but then began to smile, but once she saw that I was looking at her she quickly turned back to washing the car. I gave Bonnie a supportive pat on the shoulder then headed over to another car.

After washing a couple of cars including Jenna's I saw her still sitting at a picnic table, so I headed over there, "Your car is already washed, Aunt Jenna," I said to her.

"You're saying that out loud why?" She asked, and as I was about to question what she meant I saw Logan scum Fell approach from the news van and I gave Jenna a knowing look, which she ignored.

"Ah I just saw Elena, now you too Emory, I think we've met once before when you were really little, I'm-" before he could introduce himself I interrupted him.

"Oh yeah, none other than Logan scum Fell, I remember the story of you breaking my Aunt Jenna's heart, don't do it again alright?" I said as I ignored his extended hand which he was expecting me to shake. I turned towards Jenna, "Could you give me a ride home in like 20 minutes? All of these teenage hormones are giving me a headache," I asked her, which she nodded to before I walked away towards Bonnie and Matt to let them know that I was leaving.

After I said goodbye to Matt, I was heading towards Bonnie and I saw her staring intently at a puddle of water on the ground. I started to walk to her, but then I saw the water begin to steam and then catch on fire, and soon the fire began spreading and it covered a nearby car, "Bonnie!" I yelled, trying to get her attention away from the fire, but she wasn't listening. I ran around the fire to get to her but at the same time that I reached her, Mr.Hot Back did too and we both grabbed her.

"Bonnie, Bonnie!" Stefan said, pulling her back from whatever witchy trip she was on. Bonnie turned towards both of us shocked.

"What just happened?" She asked, confused.

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