Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 - Distraction

When I got to Bonnie's grams I knocked on the door, expecting grams to answer but instead Bonnie opened the door. She looked at me shocked, "Emory, hey," She said with slight confusion.

"Hey sorry, I wanted to make sure you were okay, Mr.Hot Back said something was wrong," I said, looking at her with sympathy.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for my grams to get home, I'll text you when I know what's up," Bonnie said, still standing at the door not moving, and not letting me inside.

I didn't need witchy powers to be able to sense that she wanted to be alone, "Okay I'll go," I said, smiling reassuringly at her as I began walking back to my car.

"Wait," Bonnie yelled, stepping out onto the porch. "Thank you, for checking on me," She said, sounding timid.

"Of course, I was just worried," I said, nodding my head to her as I turned around and got in my car. As I pulled away I waved to her and drove towards the Salvatore house. I decided to wait there with Mr.Hot Back and steal some bourbon.

As I was driving to the Salvatore's, I noticed that it was almost 6 and I hadn't eaten anything yet. I decided to take a detour and stop by the grill for dinner. At the grill, I looked to see if Matt was working but I didn't see him anywhere so I sat at a table by myself and ordered a salad. I ate it quickly, thirsty for some bourbon and impatient to get to the Salvatores. I soon finished eating and threw some cash on the table. I stood up, headed to my car, and drove off towards the Salvatore house.

When I got to their house no one was home, but as usual, their door was unlocked so I let myself in, "Mr.Hot Back?" I yelled, double checking if he was home, no response. I shrugged my shoulders and walked towards their bourbon, sitting on their couch with a full glass in my hand. As I sipped at my drink I checked my phone, noticing a missed call from Mr.Hot Back. It quickly caught my attention and I set down my glass, calling him back. 

After only one ring I heard him answer, "Emory," he said, with an urgent tone in his voice.

"What happened?" I asked, concerned.

"Bonnie, she found the tomb under the church, I took her to her grams but I just thought I should let you know," Stefan said, sounding sympathetic.

"Oh, Mr.Hot Back saves the day once again," I say, talking with overexaggerated gratitude, "What would we ever do without you?"

"Yeah, whatever," He said, sounding annoyed. I could almost hear him rolling his eyes through the phone. "Get some sleep, and text me when Elena gets home," He said, sounding concerned.

"Yeah, no can do dude, I'm at your place right now because of your constantly full alcohol collection, so if you want to know when Elena gets home, you'll have to talk to her," I said, finishing off my glass of bourbon.

"Okay, then I guess I'll see you soon," He responded, quickly ending the call. I looked to my phone slightly offended, but I soon heard the door opening and understood. 

I stood up and ran to the door, "Welcome home Mr.Hot Back, are you tired after your hard day of heroic works?" I asked, pouting sarcastically at him as he removed his shoes and looked at me annoyed, "Maybe it should be Hero Hot Back instead of Mr.Hot Back, who knows," He shook his head at me and walked over to get himself a glass of bourbon. "I didn't know you drank," I said, shocked.

"I've been alive a long time Emory, I don't see why you would think I don't drink," He said, confused at why I found his drinking habits surprising.

"I knew about the bunny blood so I just assumed you had an um, softer palette," I said attempting to defend my confusion. 

Mr.Hot Back sent a glare my way, "I just don't like killing humans Emory, is that okay with you?"

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