Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Bourbon is All The Healing I Need

I left and arrived at the Halloween party early, not many people were there but there was music, and a couple people smoking outside, I walked up to them, "Can I have a hit?" I asked, some of them looked scared, they seemed to be freshmen and I was obviously a lot bigger than them being a senior, so they handed me the joint and I took a couple hits, "Thanks," I said, winking to them as I walked inside.

Once inside I saw Caroline, Bonnie, and Tyler together, I walked up to them, "Hey guys," I said, giggling.

"Wow, Em you're already drunk," Caroline said laughing, she finished her drink, "I need to catch up, come on Bonnie," Caroline turned to Bonnie.

"No guys I'm good, I'll be the sober one to make sure you guys don't hurt yourselves," Bonnie said smiling nervously.

"Alright mom," Caroline said laughing, "I'm going to go party with someone who actually knows how to have fun," Caroline walked away towards a group of boys that were dancing with cups in their hands.

"Wow Bonnie, the witch thing really suits you," I said motioning to her costume with a laugh, she just rolled her eyes and gave me a playful shove.

"Shut up Em," She said, and as I was about to respond when Matt and Elena came up to us, both of them in their same couples costume from last year. I couldn't stop myself from laughing, Bonnie gave me a look and I tried to stop but it was just too funny with all the alcohol in my body I couldn't control it.

"I'm going to go," I said in between laughs as I headed towards the exit to get some fresh air.

I ended up in the back by the buses where a couple of stoners were hanging out. I just leaned against the wall with a cup in my hand, sadly the punch hadn't been spiked so my drink was very bland. I ended up dumping it on the ground and going to lay on the grass to look at the stars. As I was looking at the stars, I could hear my phone going off, but with the music playing and my drunken high, I didn't have the energy to answer it.

I began counting stars until I heard a door slam, and yelling, "Hey!" I said, struggling to stand up, "you made me lose count," I added with a frown, heading towards whoever it was that was interrupting me. When I eventually saw them, I saw that they were making out and I groaned, "Really? Get a room!" I yelled.

They stopped making out and looked at me, "Emory?" one of them asked, and stepped closer to me and I realized it was Jeremy, and started laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, Jer, Hi," I said, trying to act innocent but my words came out slurred and it was obvious I wasn't sober.

"You're drunk," Jeremy said.

"Thanks for stating the obvious little bro," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, "Don't worry about me go back to your little slut," I said laughing, and then covered my mouth, "Oops, sorry Jer,"

Suddenly I was pinned against a wall and I saw Vicki looking at me, "Watch your mouth, Gilbert," she said threateningly, flashing her fangs at me and slowly moving towards my neck, but before she could bite me she was thrown off of me. Mr.Hot Back had once again arrived to save the day, pinning her against a bus.

Soon, Elena was running outside as well, "Jeremy!" she yelled, frantically looking around.

"Over there," I told her, still holding my throat with one hand and pointing to Jeremy with my other. Elena ran towards him and gave him a hug, but suddenly Vicki was grunting and pushing Stefan off of her and then she was gone.

"Go," Stefan yelled, "get inside!"

While Elena, Jeremy and I were heading to the door, Elena and Jeremy made it in but I was pulled back and suddenly I felt a piercing pain in my neck. I felt like I should've screamed, or cried, but all I could do was stay silent as Vicki was draining my blood. Soon, Vicki let go of me and I turned around and saw a stake through her stomach, I backed up and tears began falling from my eyes without me even knowing, I choked out a sob. I could see Vicki still breathing but now she was kneeling on the ground grimacing in pain. 

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