Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 - Family Dinner

When the next day finally came around I realized that sleeping on the couch was a poor decision, my whole body was sore and my makeup from the day before was smeared all over my face. I could hear Jenna making coffee in the kitchen and the faint voice of Elena. I stood up and headed that way, mainly because I wanted my daily dose of caffeine, but I also wanted to see how Elena was doing since I wasn't awake when she got home the night before. When I got into the kitchen, Jenna and Elena both gave me shocked and semi-scared looks.

"Ah Aunt Jenna, Em has become a raccoon," Elena said, joking about the makeup that I had still left on my face.

"Ha ha, El, you're hilarious," I said sarcastically as I went and filled up a cup of coffee.

"Yeah well this raccoon is going to be late again for school if she doesn't get her butt moving," Jenna said to me, pushing me towards the stairs, "you don't want another detention, and I don't want another call from the school, so go shoo!" Jenna began waving her hands at me and pushing me out of the kitchen, "go get ready!" she yelled as I was making my way towards the stairs.

"I'm going, I'm going," I said tiredly as I slowly climbed up the stairs. I went into my room and washed my face and then got dressed. Once I was done, I left my room and headed towards Jeremy's. I poked my head into his room to see him not there, I realized that he must've left early again to see Vicki. When I was all done and ready, I headed downstairs just in time to hear Elena yell, "Emory!"

"El, I'm right here, no need to destroy my eardrums," I said as I rolled my eyes at her and walked past her. I grabbed my keys and then I headed out the door towards my car. As I was heading towards my car I noticed Bonnie parked in front of the house, I turned to Elena with a confused look on my face.

"Oh, Bonnie is taking us today," Elena said as she started walking towards Bonnie's car.

I raced up in front of her and yelled "Shotgun!" and then went to the car and got into my seat. Elena soon entered not long after me with a defeated sigh. Bonnie looked towards me with a smile and gave me a high five which I enthusiastically accepted.

Once we were settled in the car, Bonnie began giving Elena some witchy advice, "I'm not saying don't date the guy, I'm just saying take it slow, I have a weird bad feeling, I don't know. It's stupid," She said, shaking her head as she started the car and began driving.

"Oh!" I yelled excitedly "Bon Bon the Witchy Hero predicts the future once again," I said dramatically, enunciating the new superhero name that I came up with, Bonnie just rolled her eyes at me, "Fine, I'll come up with a better one," I said in defeat, "just give me some time." Bonnie and Elena let out a small laugh.

Bonnie pulled into the school parking lot and when we got out the car, Elena gave Bonnie a look, "That's all?" She asked, referring back to Bonnie's witchy warning, "A weird feeling?" Her tone was full of disbelief and seemed to push invalidation on Bonnie as she began walking off. Elena looked towards me for help but I just shrugged my shoulders and gave her a look of sympathy, "Bonnie?" Elena asked running to catch up to her, as I followed behind.

"It was bad-bad," Bonnie said, trying to convince Elena.

"Is this the whole Grams witch mojo thing again?" Elena asked, almost seeming to be mocking Bonnie.

"Hey El, don't be mean," I said, lightly hitting her arm, "she's just concerned like I am, and maybe she's right. You've been single for awhile, maybe just don't rush into something new," I said, trying to get Elena to dial down a bit on Bonnie.

"Okay guys I get it, you're worried and I love you both so much for it, I do. But I feel good, it's been a hard year, and I'm beginning to feel like things are becoming normal again, and I think Stefan is a big part of that," Bonnie and I both gave Elena an understanding look.

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