Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 - You're a Witch Now?

The next day when Jeremy and I woke up, we both gave each other a look and realized the mistake we had made. We were both incredibly hung over and in immense pain, but of course to make it all worse Elena had to slam open Jeremy's door and begin yelling at us. "Wake up darling siblings," even though she was talking quietly it sounded like she was yelling, as Jeremy and I both groaned.

"No El, leave please, give us 5 more minutes," I said and then paused in thought, "or 5 more hours to sleep please," I begged her, as Jeremy nodded at me, agreeing as he closed his eyes and laid back down.

"Nope we have school today, and it's going to be a great day, get up," Elena said as she walked over and opened up Jeremy's curtains causing me to let out a shriek and hide my face under a pillow.

"Fine, just leave please, your voice is giving me a headache," I waved my hand at her with my face still underneath a pillow trying to get her to leave.

"It's not my voice giving you a headache, it's all the alcohol you had last night," She said, and by her tone of voice, I knew I was in for a lecture. I pulled the pillow off of my head surprised, she wasn't supposed to find out, but then I saw her holding the almost empty bottle of whiskey.

She was giving me and Jeremy a frustrated, and disapproving look, but both of us just shrugged our shoulders and said "oops," at the same time.

"Just be ready in 20 minutes," Elena sighed as she left the room.

Jeremy was up and ready in less than five minutes, he said he's leaving early to see Vicki and that he's going to skip the first period to make it there and back to the school. I nodded, "I'll cover for you with Jenna and El, go see Vicki, you little lover boy," I said encouragingly as I began to get myself up.

Jeremy hugged me, "Thanks, Em, for this and last night, and everything," Jeremy said, as I ruffled his hair and he pulled back from the hug causing me to laugh lightly.

"I love you Jer, but you need to go or you're not going to be back in time for the second period and Aunt Jenna is going to your conferences tonight," I said as I tried to shove Jeremy out the door, but he stopped to bend down and kiss my forehead and then he ran out of his room slamming the door behind him causing me to groan, I may love him but that was just cruel.

Once I was up and moving, I took some aspirin and got dressed, I avoided the makeup and just put on sunglasses. I grabbed my keys and headed to school, Elena had already left with Bonnie and I was running late.

I walked into my first period late and ended up getting a detention, but other than that the day went alright. On my way to lunch, I was walking with Bonnie and Caroline. Caroline was questioning Bonnie on her newfound psychic powers, "so I'm confused, are you psychic or clairvoyant?" She asked, her high-pitched voice making my hangover worse.

"Care, do you even know the difference between the two?" I asked her, with genuine curiosity. Caroline just glared at me and ignored me as she turned back to Bonnie who was smiling at my question.

"Technically, Grams says I'm a witch," Bonnie said, correcting Caroline and trying to end mine and hers fighting.

"Wait, Bon, you're a witch now? We need a new superhero name, and I have to completely change your comic series," I faked a deep sigh, "why didn't you tell me this sooner?" I pretended to be upset but Bonnie smiled at me and I can't hold my facade as I smiled back and lightly shoved her with my shoulder as we continued walking.

Bonnie laughed but Caroline just gave me a confused and judgmental look. "Yeah, well feel free to conjure up the name and number of the guy from last night," Caroline said dreamily. It's crazy how easily she can move from one infatuation to the next, I almost envy her for it.

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