Chapter 13

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Chapter 12 - Rogue Fledgling

When I woke up the next morning, I had almost forgotten about Vicki until I took a deep breath and realized it smelt like drugs and cheap perfume. It was a reminder that Vicki had stayed in my bed the night before, while she was still human or part human. I rolled out of my bed and ripped my sheets off of it, deciding I'd wash them later. I then headed downstairs to see how Jeremy and Elena were doing. As I was going down the stairs I saw Jeremy about to leave, "Hey Jer, why are you up so early?" I asked him, confused.

"I'm going to the police station," I gave him a weird look and he shook his head, "they're organizing a search party for Vicki," I sighed in relief that it wasn't because he was in trouble, but then gave him a look of sympathy.

 "I'm sorry Jer, let me know if you find her?" I asked him, and he nodded his head with a small smile and then left the house. "Elena!" I yelled up the stairs when I didn't see her in the kitchen.

"Coming," she said as she was heading down the stairs, she walked into the kitchen and was rummaging through the fridge, "Why do we not have any food?" She asked frustratedly.

"El, we can get something on the way to school, and you can tell me all about what's going on in your head, I can see your gears turning, you're obviously thinking about something," I said as I got my keys and put on my shoes.

"Okay fine, but we're getting coffee, and picking up Bonnie," I gave her a small smile and headed to the door.

"Deal!" I said and then went to my car with Elena following close behind me.

Once we picked up Bonnie, we headed to the grill and sat down with some coffee.

"Happy almost Halloween witchy!" I said enthusiastically, while I was hugging Bonnie.

"Shush," Bonnie said, rolling her eyes, "But happy Halloween to you too," She said with a small smile, "but why are we here, and not in our first period?"

"Because Elena has dirt she needs to spill, and I didn't study for my science quiz, it's a win-win situation," I said with a smile.

"Yeah a win-win for you," Elena said, rolling her eyes causing Bonnie to laugh.

"Hey don't be mean, the longer you take to spill your feelings, the later we will be," I said, looking at Elena threateningly, "which means you can take as long as you would like," I said jokingly.

"Okay, okay," Elena took a deep breath, "I broke things off with Stefan," She said shakily.

"Woah," I said, "now we might need to skip the whole day," I said in complete seriousness and Bonnie nodded, agreeing with me.

"El, are you okay?" Bonnie asked her, with concern in her voice.

"Yeah, it was just a little overwhelming, but I'll be okay," Elena said reassuringly, as she finished her coffee, "Now that I spilled my feelings, we should go to school, maybe we'll be back in time to finish off our first period and Em can take her quiz," Elena said as she stood up from her chair and put a tip on the table. 

I groaned but stood up anyway, "Why must you hate me?" I overdramatically asked Elena as we walked out of the grill.

When we got to the school Bonnie and Elena went in, but I waited in the car until the beginning of second period so that I could miss my quiz.

Once in school, I saw people running around and putting up Halloween decorations for the dance later that day, I spotted Bonnie by her locker and went over to her. "Hey, Bon what's up?" I asked her.

She just rolled her eyes at me, "Caroline got me a witch costume for the party tonight," I began laughing and Bonnie glared at me, "Stop, it's not funny,"

"Sorry, just the irony, it's hilarious," I said, still laughing in between my words, trying to catch my breath, I walked beside her to our next class, still chuckling.

When school was over I was looking around for Elena but I couldn't find her, I texted her and she told me that she was with Stefan, helping Vicki. I laughed at the idea of how awkward that must've been. I told her to let me know if she needed a ride, and that I'd be at the house with Jeremy for the afternoon until the party.

I was just sitting in my room like I had been for the past 2 hours when I heard the front door open and went downstairs to see who it was. As I came downstairs I saw Elena and Jeremy talking in the kitchen.

"We could go to the Halloween thing at school, it could be fun," Elena was saying to Jeremy as she was looking through the fridge, obviously trying to distract him from the Vicki situation.

"Cool, sure, yeah sounds fun, I can't wait," Jeremy said tiredly, obviously not meaning it.

As Jeremy was trying to leave the kitchen, Elena sighed, "I know you're upset about Vicki, I heard she called Matt," Jeremy stopped and turned around to face her, "but you can't be with her, she needs to get better," Before she could continue I interrupted her.

"El, leave him alone okay? He cares about her, let him be worried," I said rolling my eyes and nodding at Jeremy as a sign that he could leave, he whispered a thank you and then left the room. Elena turned to me with an angry face.

"Why must you always try to please everyone?" Elena asked, frustrated as she stormed out of the kitchen, causing me to sigh. Apparently, I'm not pleasing everyone because Elena always seems to end up upset when things don't go exactly her way, maybe she's been spending too much time with Caroline.

I left the kitchen and headed upstairs to get ready for the Halloween party, I was getting ready early because I was planning on going to stop by the Salvatores and raid Damon's liquor. Once I had on my costume, a classic zombie, I headed to my car.

Once I was at the Salvatores, I skipped knocking and headed straight inside and right for the bourbon. As I was pouring myself a glass Damon entered the room, "Well hello Emory, what a pleasant surprise," He said smirking.

"Yeah Damon, I'm not in the mood for you today, I just came for the free booze and then I'm going to the school," I said finishing off my first glass and then refilling it, "where's your darling fledgling at?" I asked him, with my eyebrows raised.

"Oh well, I'm not exactly sure," He said, almost sounding guilty.

"You lost her?" I asked shocked, slamming my glass down, "Again?" I yelled, picking back up my glass and finishing it in one sip. "What if she goes after Jeremy or Matt?"

"Not my problem," Damon said dismissively. 

"Nothing ever is your problem is it?" I said, "You know, you act like you don't care, but I know somewhere deep down you do and if anyone I care about gets hurt, I know that you will be mad because I promise you that I will never speak to you again, and you know I'm the only person in this town who even talks to you okay? And you may not think this now, but when I'm gone you're going to miss it," I said, standing up and leaving him standing shocked in his living room.

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