Chapter 23

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Chapter 23 - Wish to be a Star

When I opened my eyes in the morning, the first thing I saw was the bright light shining through the window. I groaned and placed the pillow on top of my face.

"Morning, sleeping beauty," I heard someone say, causing me to jolt up and look around and I realized that I wasn't in my own room. I also wasn't wearing any clothes, and Damon was sitting next to me.

"Oh my god," I said, staring at him shocked.

"Nope, I'm Damon," Damon said, sounding out each syllable as if I didn't understand, causing me to throw the pillow at him.

"Shut up," I said, annoyed as I stood up and searched around the room for my clothes. I found my leggings and my bra, but when I found my shirt I saw it was ripped. I held it up and looked at Damon accusingly, "Really?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

"Oops," Damon said, smirking. 

I just rolled my eyes and went over to his drawers, stealing another one of his shirts. I grabbed my phone from the bathroom counter, and quickly brushed my teeth. I walked back into the bedroom and saw that Damon still hadn't moved, "Okay, we never speak of this again, I was vulnerable and weak, this means nothing," I said, pointing at Damon with every word.

"Yes ma'am," Damon said, mocking salute.

"Oh, fuck off," I said, annoyed as I walked towards the door. Damon quickly flashed in front of me, and unlike me, he was still naked. "Yes?" I asked him, making direct eye contact, stopping my eyes from wandering.

"Where are you going? No 'morning after' sex?" Damon asked, as he placed his hands on my hips and smirked suggestively at me.

I pulled his hands off of me, "Nope, I need to get home and see how everyone is doing," I said as I stepped past him.

"Ugh, you're so boring when you're being responsible," Damon said, sighing and falling back onto his bed.

I rolled my eyes but didn't respond as I left his room and headed downstairs. I grabbed my keys off of the couch and then walked out to my car and drove home.

When I got home no one was at the house so I went up to my room alone. I laid down on my bed, sighing. I couldn't believe that I had slept with Damon, I knew eventually he would bring it up in front of everyone, and they were all going to be pissed. When I was on my bed I felt something beneath my pillow, I reached under and pulled out a sketchbook. I stared at it, suddenly remembering the symbols that I had drawn. I opened the journal and looked inside, I was trying to read what I had written but soon my head was spinning and my heartbeat had begun racing. I quickly closed the journal and set it aside. 

I heard a door open downstairs, and went out of my room and looked down the stairs at the front door where I saw Elena and Jeremy. "Hey guys," I said, walking down the stairs and following them towards the kitchen.

"Hello Emory," Elena said, sounding snappy.

I looked at her with guilt, "I'm sorry El, I was just trying to process everything, I cope differently than you," I said, sighing, "I'm not little miss perfect and composed,"

"Neither am I," Elena yelled, defensively, "I needed you, I needed your support, and you decided to go to Damon instead of your own sister," She said, her voice cracking.

"I needed support too, Elena, I've needed support through all of this and I haven't gotten any. I'm not around just to make you feel better," I said, sighing as I looked towards Jeremy and saw him with a look of concern on his face. Elena didn't say anything, she looked at me sympathetically but I just shook my head, "No, you can't magically fix this okay, not this time?" I said as I turned towards Jeremy and gave him a hug and then ran upstairs to my room.

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