Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Goodbye Kisses

I woke up when I heard a bell, and then a door open. I sat up and realized that I was in the Salvatore house, and my mouth tasted of morning breath and bourbon. I quickly sat up and went towards the bathroom, but when I walked towards the stairs I heard someone say my name, "Emory?" I turned around and saw Sherriff Forbes standing at the front door, looking at me quizzically. 

"Oh, Sheriff, hi," I said, awkwardly as I continued inching my way towards the stairs. Damon quickly approached and started a conversation with her, allowing me to make my escape upstairs.

I went into Damon's room and used his ensuite bathroom, it was the biggest and had the best hair products. I quickly showered and then brushed my teeth, putting back on my jeans but stealing a shirt from Damon as I headed back downstairs.

I didn't see Damon, but I saw Mr.Hot Back with his school bag looking ready to leave, "Where are you going Hot Back?" I asked as I moved towards the bourbon, but I quickly rethought it as I realized I still had a slight hangover.

"School," He responded, causing me to look at him in shock.

"Wait, school?" I asked as he nodded slowly, as if it were obvious, "But, um-" Stefan interrupted me.

"You've been here since Friday," He said casually.

"Wait, really?" I asked, shocked but not concerned.

"Yeah, you've been a little out of it," He said, awkwardly shrugging his shoulders as he motioned to the bourbon causing me to laugh uncomfortably. He coughed and then gestured to the door, "Do you need a ride?" He asked.

"Sure, I didn't exactly get here with my car on Friday night," I said, sighing as I walked up to him at the door. He smiled slightly and then opened the door for me, I walked out and let him pass me as he led me to his car. The car ride was silent as both me and Stefan seemed to be lost in our own thoughts. I couldn't stop thinking about my weird symbol induced fainting, and Stefan, probably couldn't stop thinking about Elena naked. We quickly arrived at school and neither of us said anything as we left the car and headed our separate ways to our classes. I had none of my supplies but I had weekend old gum in my pocket and a pen I found in the school's parking lot.

In the middle of class, my phone went off, earning me a glare from my teacher. She pointed towards the door as a direction implying that I had to leave her class, I sighed and collected my things, leaving the class. Once I was in the hallway I saw that it was a call from Damon, I sighed and quickly called him back.

"Hey bestie," Damon said, with mock enthusiasm when he answered the phone.

"What do you want?" I asked him, trying to get to the point.

"Why must you assume I want something? Maybe I just wanted to talk to my best friend," He said, and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Just tell me what you want, or I'm hanging up," I said impatiently.

"Okay, okay untwist your panties," Damon said and then paused, "Unless you're not wearing any,"

"Damon!" I yelled into the phone, annoyed.

"Okay, I get it, I need you to meet me," Damon said, sighing.

"Okay but you're compelling me out of the detention that I'm getting for skipping," I said, as I began walking to the parking lot, but I quickly paused in realization, "I don't have my car," I said, stopping in the middle of the hallway.

"Well isn't that unfortunate," Damon said, obviously annoyed, "I'll go get your car and drop it off at the school, wait in the front for me," Damon said, trying to close the conversation but I interrupted before he could hang up.

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