Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 - Blondie

I woke up the next day when I heard two people talking, "Shush," I groaned, whoever it was talking was being extremely loud, and I was extremely hungover. "Please, just stop talking," I mumbled as I put my face into a pillow.

"Emory?" I heard someone ask shocked.

"Yeah that's my name, now let me sleep, please," I said, rolling over to glare at whoever it was that woke me up. I saw Mr.Hot Back, and a blonde girl who looked mildly disgusted, "Why hello," I said to the blonde, "Mr.Hot Back didn't tell me he'd be having guests," I said mockingly as I sat up and reached for more bourbon, but before I could get it, Stefan used his vampire speed to take it away from me, "Hey!" I said annoyed.

"Who is this?" The blonde asked, looking disapprovingly at Stefan.

"I'm Emory," I introduced with an overexaggerated smile, "and I'm also hungover so please, leave me alone," I said, laying back down and shoving my face into a pillow as I groaned.

"I like her," She said approvingly.

"Good for you, but can you like me from somewhere else please?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Alright, alright," Stefan said, grabbing the blonde's arm, "Let's go upstairs," he whispered as he went upstairs with her causing me to sigh in relief.

I didn't get much more sleep before my phone started ringing, causing me to grunt and roll over, ending with me falling off of the couch and onto the floor. I struggled to stand up, but eventually did and then grabbed my phone.

"Hello?" I said, slightly annoyed.

"Hey Em," Elena said, slightly too perky, "We have to go to the police station for questioning about Vicki," I almost threw my phone on the ground at this, I was incredibly hungover and now I had to deal with lying to a police officer.

"Sure, alright," I said, heading towards the bathroom to see how bad I looked. "How's Jeremy?" I asked concerned, he witnessed a lot at the Halloween party.

"About that," Elena said, vaguely and suspiciously.

"Elena?" I questioned concerned, when I didn't get a response I just sighed, "Fine, don't tell me but I'll find out eventually since I'll be seeing you in about 20 minutes,"

"Okay, then I'll tell you then," Elena said, "How's your neck?" She asked me concerned.

"Better, drinking bourbon really helps with blood loss," I said laughing.

"Did Stefan or Damon give you their blood?" She asked me, sounding worried.

"Nope," I said casually.

"What!" Elena yelled through the phone causing me to groan and pull it away from my ear, "You could've died," 

"Okay but I didn't and I'll be fine, plus it'll make a great scar," I said, trying to add humor to the situation which I could tell wasn't helping because all I heard was a sigh in return.

"I'll see you at the station," Elena said, then hung up the phone.

I put my phone down and looked at my reflection in the mirror, blood was covering my neck. I reached up to poke it and winced in pain, retracting my finger. I went over to the shower and turned it on, hoping that warm water would feel good on my sore body. I stripped carefully, trying to avoid my neck and stepped under the running water letting out a content sigh at the warmth. After carefully cleaning my neck of all the dried blood I turned off the water and got out, quickly drying off and getting dressed.

After finishing making myself look somewhat presentable I exited the bathroom and yelled for Stefan, "Mr.Hot Back!" No response, "Pretty blonde friend!" still no response, "Elena needs you!" At this Stefan was now right in front of me.

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