Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 - Friendship Fight

I quickly woke up and looked around scared, my eyes met Elena's terrified ones and I sighed in relief. "How long was I, um, out for?" I asked, scared of the answer.

"About 2 minutes," Elena said, sounding frustrated.

"Crap," I said as I stood up, but apparently too quickly as my head began to spin and I grabbed Elena for support.

"Maybe you should go to bed," Elena said, sounding unsure.

"No, we need to go get Bonnie or Emily, or-" I said, but was cut off by Elena.

"Yeah, I get it, but if you're going, now is the time," Elena said, helping me up, and walking to the car.

Once we got to the car Elena surpassed at least three speed-limits and we got to the old fell's church in less than five minutes. Elena and I quickly got out of the car and began running towards the church where we saw fire and smoke, "Bonnie!" Elena yelled as we saw her standing in the center of a large flaming symbol that was burning on the ground. Stefan held Elena back, as I just stared at Emily who stared right back at me with regret in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, this wasn't supposed to happen to you," Emily whispered, looking at me. She shook her and then threw the necklace up and it erupted into sparks, she turned towards me and smiled, right before Bonnie's head fell forward and the fire stopped.

Bonnie looked up confused, but before we could go to help her Damon sped forward and starting draining her blood. After we realized what was happening, Stefan quickly ran forwards and ripped Damon off of her. Bonnie fell to the ground unconscious with blood coating her neck. 

I turned to Damon, "What the ever-loving fuck?" I yelled, going towards him and shoving him as hard as I could. He stumbled a little but didn't look hurt. 

I ran towards a tree and broke off a stick, stomping towards him, trying to stab him in the heart but he quickly stopped me, "I wouldn't if I were you," he said tauntingly, not letting go of my hand.

I jammed my knee up into his crotch and he quickly let go of my hand, I used this as my opportunity to stab him in the back as he was hunched over, I held him there and leaned down. "Never hurt my friends again," I whispered threateningly in his ear. Before he could react, I quickly turned back to Elena and Stefan as they hovered over Bonnie.

"Her neck," Elena said, between sobs, "It's healing," Elena's sobs quieted as Stefan picked Bonnie up and had Elena lead him back to her car.

"I'm not coming home tonight," I told Elena, causing her to stop and look back at me.

"What?" She yelled.

"I'm not coming home tonight," I said again, this time more sternly.

"Yes you are," Elena said, stepping towards me, "I'm not leaving you here," Elena paused as she gestured towards Damon, "With him,"

"He's my friend, Elena, and right now he needs me, so go," I said, grabbing her shoulders and turning her around,

"but what do you need Em?" Elena asked, trying to rub my shoulder but I shoved her off.

"Go home Elena," I said sternly, "Make sure Bonnie is safe," I  lightly pushed her towards Stefan and she hesitated, looking back at me with tears in her eyes.

"You're not her, Em, mom is dead," Elena said, her words choked, she turned her head away quickly and sniffled. I remained silent and she walked over to Stefan and they both began heading towards her car. I watched her retreating figure until I could no longer see her and then I turned around to face Damon.

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