Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 - Night Of The Comet

The next day, the town was flooded with people as it was the Mystic Falls Night of the Comet. I was walking with Bonnie and Elena outside the Mystic Grill, handing out programs to people throughout the town.

Me and Bonnie both noticed that Elena was upset, Bonnie asked the question before I could, "He didn't call, huh?" she asked, already knowing the answer was a no by the way Elena was acting.

Elena gave Bonnie a frustrated look, "Or text. But then I realized we never even exchanged that stuff, we never got to the texting part," she said, almost sounding heartbroken.

"You don't even have Mr.Hot Back's number? Wow, I'm shocked, Bonnie are you shocked?" I asked, trying to add humor to the situation but then realized it sounded more like a mock as Elena gave me an offended look.

"That's an important milestone in any relationship," Bonnie said, adding back the serious tone and disregarding my comment.

"Isn't it?" Elena asked, also ignoring my comment. "But the timing is wrong anyway," She said, with a sad sigh as she continued handing out programs.

"But El, when is it ever right?" I asked her, with my eyebrows raised.

"I'm not ready guys." Elena defended, shaking her head.

"Who is?" me and Bonnie asked her at the same time.

Elena looked even more upset, "At least I put myself out there," she said.

"El, no you didn't. You keep telling me and Bon reasons why you can't be with him, which, last time I checked, is not putting yourself out there. Just talk to him okay? Hear his side. I don't personally like Mr.Hot Back but, he seems to really care about you," I said, giving Elena a reality check as she stood there shocked as I gave her a knowing look and Bonnie nodded along with what I was saying. Elena gave a small nod and looked like she agreed as we headed back to handing out programs in a comfortable silence.

Once it got dark and all of our programs were gone, we grabbed some candles and headed to find Caroline. When we found Caroline we also found Matt, who used his candle to light each of ours.

Elena went to go help light other people's candles as well and I saw her walk up to Mr.Hot Back and light his. I don't think she realized who it was until she looked up, and made more puppy love eye contact, causing me to roll my eyes and turn back to Caroline.

"So who's this new guy that you were telling Bonnie about?" I asked her.

Right after I asked I saw her eyes glaze over and she looked incredibly happy. "He's so gorgeous Em, I thought I saw him earlier but I must've just been daydreaming," She said with a happy sigh and a dreamy smile. I raised my eyebrow at this but let her go on, "He has this amazing black hair, and his eyes, Em, his eyes are so blue and wonderfully dreamy," By now she was almost swaying back and forth in happiness.

At her description, I remembered the guy in the blue Camaro that tried to pick me up that one day when I was waiting for Bonnie, "Do you know what kind of car he drives?" I asked urgently, causing Caroline to give me a confused and offended look for me pulling her out of her reminiscing.

"No Em, I don't know what car he drives," She said, sounding almost as if she was offended by the question, "I don't even know his name yet. I just know that he's deliciously gorgeous," She said as she turned back around to Matt.

I looked up at the sky looking at the stars and the comet as it slowly fell across the sky, stars always fascinated me. I love the infinite amount of space and energy out there, it makes me feel so small, but yet so content. But even looking at the stars couldn't distract from the image of the piercing blue eyes invading my head once again, I don't know why but I seemed to be scared for Caroline. Thinking of her and him together made me shiver in fear, it just didn't feel right. I shook my head back and forth, Bonnie is the psychic one, not me, I thought to myself trying to calm myself down.

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