Chapter 17

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Chapter 17 - Symbol Haze

In the morning, I woke up, missing Damon beside me. I got up and got dressed, trying to recall the events of the party. I remembered drinking with Damon, and I remembered police officers. Suddenly I dropped my hairbrush in the middle of brushing my hair when I remembered that Lexi was dead. Damon killed her, on Stefan's birthday. After the initial shock of the memory subsided, I leaned down and picked up the brush and finished getting ready. 

 I walked downstairs to the kitchen and quickly grabbed a banana for breakfast. "Morning, Aunt Jenna," I yelled as I walked towards the door.

"Morning, Emory," She yelled back, as I left the house and went to my car. On the way to school, I was listening to the radio, hoping that the music would quiet my thoughts. Except, all the way to school my thoughts were circling through my head. I was thinking about Stefan and Elena, I was thinking about wherever Lexi's soul ended up, and I thought about if Damon ever felt remorse. I pulled into the school parking lot and shut off the radio as I parked. I exited the car and tried my best to avoid Elena and Caroline, as I had seen them walking on the sidewalk. I quickly walked past with my head down and headed directly to my first class.

When lunch came around, I decided it was time to confront my friends and see how they were doing. I headed outside, towards Bonnie and Elena's usual table and saw them sitting there talking. As I approached I heard Bonnie ask Elena, "Do you believe in ghosts?"

Before Elena could answer I sat down next to Bonnie and jumped in, "Well, yeah," I said as if it were obvious, "Vampires and witches exist, and you have to ask about ghosts?" I asked, stealing food off of Bonnie's tray as I raised my eyebrows at her.

"I think I'm being haunted," Bonnie said, sounding scared.

I stopped eating and stared at her, "Wait, what?" I asked, shocked.

"Some witchy ancestor named Emily, I have her necklace and I keep seeing her," Bonnie said, looking at me as she explained, "Today I had this dream where I saw her, she kept asking me to help her," Bonnie said as she shivered in fear and sighed.

"I don't get it," Elena said, "Why Emily? Why is she haunting you?" Elena asked, confused.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the civil war days, and that this medallion was hers," Bonnie said as she cupped the crystal on her necklace in her hand. "It's a witches talisman," Bonnie said.

"And it all started when you got the necklace?" Elena asked, obviously trying to help her friend and figure out what was wrong.

"I think she's using it to communicate with me," Bonnie said, nodding.

"What else could she do?" I asked, scared, "She can't hurt you right?"

"I don't know, Em," Bonnie said as she sighed.

"Okay, what did your grams say about it?" Elena asked.

"I can't call her," Bonnie said as she leaned forward, "She's gonna tell me to embrace it. I don't want to embrace it, I want it to stop," Bonnie sounded terrified.

Elena just sighed, but before she could say anything the bell rang for the end of lunch and Bonnie stood up, collecting her things. 

"I love you, Bon, call me okay?" I said, giving her a hug and then walking away to my next class.

Once classes were over I found Elena and walked outside with her. She stopped walking causing me to run into her, "Hey!" I said, but then I looked over and saw Stefan sitting at a table in front of the school, I groaned, "Go talk to Mr.Hot Back, I'll see you at home," I said, as I walked off to my car.

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