Chapter 24

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Chapter 24 - Damon and Morals?

I woke up to someone banging on my door, "Emory!" I heard Jeremy yelling, "I need a ride to school," He said, causing me to groan and throw my pillow at my door.

"Give me twenty minutes," I said, getting out of my bed.

"You have ten," Jeremy said as I heard his footsteps as he walked away from my room.

I sighed and quickly got dressed, avoiding putting on makeup because I didn't have the time. I was down the stairs in less than five minutes. "Okay, let's go," I said to Jeremy as I grabbed my keys and opened the front door, holding it for him. He walked out to my car and he got into the passenger seat, I followed behind him and got into the car, then pulled out of the driveway.

We were less than five minutes from the school when Jeremy abruptly shut off the radio, "What's up with you and Elena?" He asked, worried.

"Nothing," I said defensively, causing Jeremy to laugh.

"Obviously it's something Em," He said, rolling his eyes.

"But it's not a something that you need to be concerned about," I said, as I pulled into the school parking lot and shut off the car, "Now go to class," 

Jeremy sighed annoyed, "Fine," He said, getting out of the car and then slamming the door behind him. I watched him walk up to the school and then sighed as I too, exited the car and headed to class.

After school, I walked outside looking for Elena, as I hadn't seen her yet. I spotted her walking beside Caroline, and I began heading that way. As I got close I heard Caroline finishing her sentence, "Lesbian friend necklace, 'cause we're freaky like that,"

"Now Caroline, we all now that you're as straight as they come," I said, joining them at the table. Caroline gasped, mockingly offended as she looked at me annoyed.

"Your friendship is important to me," Elena said, ignoring my comment but giving me a slight smile.

"Why're you being so mushy?" Caroline asked as she opened up her notes, probably to study.

"Well Caroline, you've been a little M.I.A. with you avoiding her, she probably just missed you," I said, giving Caroline a pointed look.

"I wanted you to know that whatever is going on with you and Matt, it's okay," Elena said, making eye contact with Caroline.

Caroline looked guilty, "I was going to talk to you about that," She defended quickly, and then paused, "But this is weird, I shouldn't talk to you about this, I mean it's Matt,"

"It's a little weird," Elena said.

"Kind of a lot weird," I mumbled, but Elena kicked me under the table.

"If it's what you and Matt want then it's not about me," Elena said, smiling at Caroline.

"Shut up Elena," I said annoyed as I rolled my eyes at her ignorance, "It's always about you, Matt was in love with you, and no one really thinks that he's gotten over it," I said as Caroline nodded weakly along with me.

"I'm with Stefan now, Matt understands that. He knows he has to move on," Elena said, opening her notes. 

Caroline looked around in discomfort as I sighed and stood up, "Elena," I said, catching her attention, "Not everything is under your control, you can't just move on from Matt and expect him to automatically do the same, that's unfair," I said, as I looked disapprovingly at her as I shook my head and then walked to my car. 

I drove to the Salvatores, and walked in unannounced, "Damon!" I yelled, walking towards his room. 

He quickly vampire sped in front of me, "Hello Emory," he said with a sensual tone as he increasingly got closer to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2017 ⏰

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