Chapter 21

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Chapter 21 - Hero Hair Lifestyle

I woke up panting and sweating. My arm still hurt and I looked down and saw scratches on it where I had carved the symbol in my dream, they looked like claw marks. I looked at my other hand and saw blood under my nails, almost as if I had scratched my own arm in my sleep. I sighed and quickly got up, stripping my bed of the bloody sheets and then going into the bathroom to shower and bandage up my arm. I showered and rinsed the blood out from under my nails, and rinsed the sweat out of my hair. Once I was dressed, I went into the bathroom cabinet and pulled out the first aid kit. I took gauze and wrapped it around my arm, the cuts weren't deep but they were long and I didn't have a large enough bandage to cover it. After my arm was wrapped I pulled a sweater over my tank top to hide it and headed out of my room. 

I suddenly had an urge to draw, which was weird for me because I hadn't done any form of art, aside from writing, since middle school. I decided to see if Jeremy had a sketchbook that I could use, I knocked on his bedroom door a couple times before entering and noticing he wasn't home. I looked around his room quickly for a blank notebook and I finally found one, I took it into my own room and sat down on my bed with a pencil. I placed the pencil to the paper and began drawing, I felt my hand moving, but I almost felt like I wasn't controlling it. I closed my eyes and just let the lead of the pencil flow onto the paper. Suddenly the pencil broke, apparently, I was holding it really tightly as I felt my hand cramp up and saw white fading from my knuckles. 

I looked down at the paper and gasped, it looked like random lines, but somehow it made sense to me. It almost looked like a maze or a puzzle and I felt like I knew the solution, but I just couldn't figure it out, I think it was unfinished. I began reaching for another pencil but before I could get it I heard Jenna yelling, "Emory!" causing me to jump. I looked at my phone and read the time, noticing that I had to get to school soon. I closed the notebook and slid it under my pillow, and then headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs I didn't see Elena anywhere, but I saw Jenna in the kitchen, "Hey, Aunt Jenna," I said, as I walked over to make myself some coffee.

"Hey Emory, have you seen Elena?" She asked me, sounding worried.

"I think she stayed the night at Bonnie's or Caroline's," I said, knowing that Elena would use one of those two as her cover for sleeping at Stefan's last night.

"Oh okay," Jenna said, sounding unsure.

"Yeah, she'll probably go straight to school, I'll let her know you're worried when I see her at lunch, Later Aunt Jenna," I said as I finished my coffee and dropped my cup in the sink. I ran to the door and grabbed my keys, going to my car. 

The drive to the school was calm and uneventful, but once I got to school I took out my phone for the first time that day and saw I had a message from Elena. It said that she was heading home, the message was sent around midnight and it spread worry throughout me as I realized that she didn't sleep at Stefan's. I quickly texted Stefan telling him to meet me at the school, he replied almost instantly saying that he was already there talking to Bonnie. He told me where they were and I jumped out of my car and headed that way.

Once Bonnie came into my sight I ran faster and stopped by the table she was sitting at, "Okay," I said, slightly out of breath, "does anyone know where Elena is?" I asked, now sitting down at the table. Bonnie looked to Stefan nervously as he sighed.

"I'll talk to you about it, Emory," Stefan said as Bonnie began standing up looking scared.

"I need to go, I'm sorry," She said quickly as she began walking away.

I looked to Stefan questionably, "Mr.Hot Back, what's up with Bon Bon the Witchy Hero?" I asked.

"Something's off with her magic," Mr.Hot Back said, looking to where Bonnie was just sitting, "But I need to tell you something," he said looking at me seriously.

"Okay, shoot," I said, impatiently.

"So you remember Katherine right?" He asked. I nodded in response, silently urging him to go on, "Okay, so basically she looks exactly like Elena," he said, with mild hesitancy.

"So I wasn't just really drunk that night," I said quietly to myself in realization.

"Wait, what?" Stefan asked, confused.

"Just, I was in your room one night when I was getting drunk at your place and I remember seeing this picture, it looked exactly like Elena but I just thought it was because of the alcohol so I didn't think it was important," I said.

"Oh," Stefan said, sounding slightly surprised, "Well, yeah, Katherine looks like Elena and the first time I met Elena was actually last Spring,"

"And she didn't tell me?" I said, slightly offended.

"Well, she didn't exactly meet me," Stefan said, causing me to raise my eyebrows at him, "Well, I was in town visiting my uncle and I was hunting by Wickery Bridge, I heard your parents' car crash and I sped there as quick as I could," the mention of my parents quickly muted my sarcasm as I looked to Stefan anxiously as he continued, "I went underwater trying to help, and your dad was still conscious but he insisted that I save Elena first, I quickly pulled her out of the water, but when I went back under I was too late," Stefan said sympathetically.

"Oh, wow," I said, blinking the tears out of my eyes, "So the hero hair isn't just a hairstyle, it's a way of life," I said, bringing sarcasm back into the conversation as I lightly nudged his shoulder.

"Yeah," Stefan said as he stood up, but before he walked away he tensed and looked at me confused, "What happened?" He asked me, his voice tight but concerned.

"What do yo-" I began to ask, but he interrupted me.

"You're hurt," He said, looking to my arm curiously.

"Oh, it's nothing, just burned myself with a straightener this morning," I said, brushing him off as I held my hand defensively over my arm.

"Okay, well let me know if you need anything, you can always talk to me," Stefan said, putting his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

"Yeah thanks, same goes for you Mr.Hot Back," I said, smiling at him.

He smiled back and sighed, "I'm going to try and call Elena or Damon, I'll see y-"

"Wait," I interrupted, getting angry, "Why would you need to call Damon?" I asked him, my voice tense.

"Damon is with Elena right now," Stefan responded as if it were obvious.

"Oh hell no," I exclaimed as I pulled out my phone typing in Damon's number, but before I called him I turned to Stefan, "Good luck with Elena, I'll see you later," and I didn't wait for a response as I stood up and pressed send on my phone and held it up to my ear as it rung. 

I had just reached my car when I heard the ringing stop, "hello bestie," I heard Damon say cockily through the phone.

"Hello, soon to be ex-bestie," I said in the same cocky, mock-enthusiastic voice.

"Oh no, what'd I do this time?" Damon asked, feigning sadness.

I got into my car and put the phone on speaker as I pulled out of the parking lot and began driving to Bonnie's house, "Well, you did kidnap my sister," I said, enunciating the word 'kidnap' over exaggeratedly.

"Oh right," Damon said, sighing into the phone.

"Yeah, right," I said, rolling my eyes, "Just promise me she's safe, and that she is going to remain safe," I said, annoyed.

"Yes, I promise," Damon said, sighing dramatically.

"Okay, be home soon, don't piss off too many people," I said as I pulled into Bonnie's neighborhood.

"No promises," Damon said, "Kisses, bye!" He added quickly, as he hung up the phone causing me to chuckle.

I quickly reached Bonnie's house and parked by the curb, exiting my car and going up to the front door. Bonnie didn't answer, instead, it was her dad who told me she was at her grams. I thanked him and quickly turned around heading back to my car and then driving to Bonnie's grams.

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