Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 - How Could You be Mad at All This?

When I got home, I saw Matt and Jeremy in the kitchen huddled around something with food spread out all over the kitchen, "Guys, what happened?" I asked almost laughing until Matt stood up and I saw Vicki sitting on the floor.

"Vicki took something, and we don't know what," Jeremy said concerned.

"Oh, well um, maybe you should leave her alone for a minute, maybe put her in my room to lay down and sleep it off?" I said, trying to get them away from her in case she figured out what was happening and decided to feed.

"Right, good idea, Jeremy help me get her upstairs?" Matt asked Jeremy.

"No!" I yelled almost instantly, causing Jeremy and Matt to give me strange looks, "Um, my room, it's a mess and I don't want you to see it, I can take her up,"

"Are you sure?" Matt asked.

"Yeah I got it," I said, leaning down towards Vicki, "Let's go lay down, alright Vicki?" I picked her up and headed towards the stairs.

"You were there," She whispered, "You were there with, with Damon." I nodded to her and placed her on my bed.

"Just sleep it off, it'll be okay." I went over and closed the curtains, "Just yell if you need anything, me, Jer, and Matt are all downstairs," she just groaned and rolled over in my bed.

"My teeth hurt, why do my teeth hurt?" Vicki asked, grabbing my arm.

"I don't know Vicki, just sleep it off," I said, prying her arm off of mine and leaving my room.

When I got downstairs Elena and Stefan were now in the kitchen as well, Elena looked at me, "What happened Em?"

"Stefan," I said looking at him, "I need to talk to you," He didn't move and gave me a confused look, "now," I said louder, heading to the front porch.

Once we were outside he turned to me, "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Damon killed Vicki, or turned Vicki, but she hasn't fed yet, and she's upstairs, and Jeremy and Matt think she's high, and I don't know what to do," I ranted, terrified.

"Damn it!" Stefan yelled, "He's lashing out because I have his ring," he sighed, "Go give this to him," he said, handing me a big blue ring, with a symbol on it, "I will keep Jeremy, Elena, and Matt safe, I will help Vicki I promise."

"No I'm staying," I said defiantly, "I will bring him his stupid ring later," I said, placing it into my pocket, planning on hiding it later in case Damon came by.

Stefan nodded his head, "Okay, I need to tell Elena,"

"Don't tell her I know, please Stefan," I begged, and he looked pained but nodded.

"Okay, but don't ask me to lie to Elena for you ever again. I'm trying to be honest with her," He said, opening the door and heading inside, leaving me on the porch. I took a deep breath and then followed him inside. Before I went to talk to Elena, I went upstairs and hid Damon's ring in my room, Jeremy was in there with Vicki but he didn't notice what I was doing. I passed Matt on my way back downstairs and I gave him a small smile.

Once I was downstairs, I saw Stefan standing in the kitchen with Elena, "She's upstairs with him right now," Elena said frustrated.

"It's okay she doesn't know what's happening to her yet," Stefan said.

"Hey El," I said, making my presence known.

"Oh Em," Elena said, pulling me into a hug, "Vicki is in transition, to become a vampire," I faked surprise.

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