Eleven: Protection

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     Undyne continued to the door, knocking extremely loud. Papyrus opened the door in an attempt to distract her while Sans helped the human escape. However, Sans hadn't been listening, so both were just playing cards upstairs. "HEY, UNDYNE! HOW ARE YOU DOING?" "Let me in Papyrus, you useless traitor. Give the human soul to me now, or I'll take it by FORCE." Undyne shoved Papyrus out of the way and shouted, "HUMAN!" The human walked out with ease. "HUMAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE SANS WAS SUPPOSED TO--" Sans walked out behind her. "SANS YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO HELP THE HUMAN ESCAPE, NOT PLAY CHECKERS!" "Cards." "WHAT!?" "We played cards, not checkers." Both Papyrus and Undyne sighed in annoyance. Undyne summoned a spear and shot it at (Y/N), making her scream in terror. However, red and blue magic stopped the spear right in front of the human's face. Sans. "Hey kid, I promised not to let you get hurt, and the promise is one I have to keep." With a snap of his fingers, a boney skull and several other bones showing white, orange and blue appeared, all firing at Undyne. When all the smoke cleared, Undyne was on the floor with only 1 HP. A single bone flew towards her, until... "STOP!" The bone stopped before it hit (Y/N). "What are you doing!? She's the enemy! MOVE!" Sans yelled. "N...No! Let her go, this isn't your fight, Sans!" Undyne scrambled away, mumbling curses and threats. "Why did you do that? You're going to get yourself KILLED!" "Not all fights are meant to be won, Sans. Maybe you should accept that."


(A/N: Hey people! Thanks for reading this! I'm sorry I won't be able to update, my grandparents in Australia probably don't have wifi considering they live in the middle of the ocean on an island. And sorry it's short. Sorry. Well, see you soon! BOI!)

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