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Ariana's Pov

"Well here we are Ariana." My mom Joan says as she parks in front of the school.
"Yay." I say sarcastically.
"Come on Ari. You'll make new friends. I know you're nervous, but everything is going to be okay. I'll pick you up after school. I love you." She says.
"I love you too." I walk onto school campus. Everyone's eyes are on me. I continue to walk and sit down at an empty table and look down at my schedule.

1st hour- English Room 205

"Hi, I'm Alexa." I hear someone say. I look up at her.
"Hi, I'm Ariana. I'm new here." I tell her.
"That's why I came to introduce myself. I've never seen you around here." She smiles. "What class do you have first?"
"English, room 205." I smile back at her.
"I have that class too, come on I'll show you where it's at since the bell is about to ring." I follow her as we walk to class.

"Mrs. Rios, this is A---."
"Ariana Grande." She interrups Alexa. "I was just reading an email that I will be having her as my new student." She smiled.
"Welcome Ariana, it's a pleasure to have you in my class. Jennifer, raise your hand please. Your seat will be next to her." As I walked to my seat everyone was looking at me. I looked at one guy in particular who really wouldn't keep his eyes off me. He had one of his arms fully tattooed. I ignored him and sat down.
"Alright, class please turn to page 122 in your literature books. Here you go Ariana." Mrs. Rios hands me a book. I thank her.

I get out of my third hour class which is Math and go to lunch.
"Ariana." I hear somone yell. I turn around and see Alexa.
"Do you want to eat lunch with me and some of my friends?" She asks.
"Sure." I smile. We walk to a table where there's three girls sitting down.
"Hey guys, this is Ariana. She'll be hanging out with us from now on. Ariana, this is Kayla, Celeste, and, Camila."
"Hi." I say.
"Welcome to our squad. We're gonna get lunch." Celeste tells tells us.
"I'm going to get a bag of chips I'll be back." Alexa gets up from the table.

I eat my lunch which is strawberries and kiwis.
"Ariana, right?" I hear a guy speak. I turn to my side and see that he's the same guy from my first hour.
"Yes, Ariana Grande." I smile at him.
"I'm Justin, Justin Bieber." He sits down next to me.
"You're the one who kept staring at me in class earlier." I tell him.
"Yeah, sorry about that, you sort of caught my attention." He says. I smile. "It's fi--." Before I can finish I hear Alexa.
"Justin what are you doing here?" She yells.
"I just wanted to say hi and that maybe we can be friends."
"She doesn't need you as a friend. She has me and the other girls. I know what you're trying to do. Leave."
"Don't need to get all fiesty Alexa." He leaves.

"Ariana you need to stay away from him." Alexa tells me.
"He's the school's player."
"I'm guessing you're talking about Justin?" Kayla says sitting down. "Stay away from him, I was one of his victims. He's an asshole." She says.
"First he'll want to be friends with you, then he'll do cute things for you, you end up dating him and once you sleep with him, he'll dump you the next day." Camila says.
"I don't have to worry about him, I don't have time for guys. I want to focus on school." I tell them. "If he wants to be friends, we'll be friends. I'll make it very clear to him." I add.

Hey guys, this is my first Jariana story. I hope you guus like it, if so please vote, comment. (: Btw the cover for my story was made by @secutegrxnde make sure to check her out. (:

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