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Ariana's Pov

"Hello, Ariana!!" Alexa snaps her fingers in front of my face snapping me out of my thoughts.
"What?" I say.
"So, how was the trip?" She nudges my shoulder.
"Tell us every detail." Kayla adds.
"It was amazing! Justin is the sweetest guy ever. We went to Malibu and stayed at a beach house. He bought me a beautiful dress." I tell them and show them a picture of me and Justin on my phone.
"Ariana! You look stunning." They say. "Did you guys do it?" Alexa raises her eyebrows. Before I say anything I laugh.
"No we didn't. I'm not ready yet."
"What does Justin say?" Camila asks.
"He says that he'll wait for me, he doesn't want to rush me and that he'll be patient." I explain.
"Really? Justin sure has changed." Says Alexa.

"Yes I've changed Alexa." We turn our heads to Justin and he wraps his arms around my waist.
"You two actually make a cute couple." Justin and I smile at Alexa's comment. Soon we hear the bell ring and we head to class.

I'm in third hour listening to the teacher go over our math assignment. Suddenly I had a bad feeling. About what though? I look at the time and had ten more minutes left.
"Ariana, I need to talk to you outside." The teacher says. "Bring your stuff with you." She adds. I was freaking out in the inside.
"Is everything okay, Ms. Jackson?"
"Ariana your mom called." She puts her hand on my arm. My heart was racing. "I'm sorry Ariana, your brother Frankie has been in an accident."
"What!? No not my brother!!" I start to cry.
"Your mom is here to pick you up." I run to the front of the school and see my mom parked.

"Mom, what happened? Is he okay? Please tell me he's ok!" I continue to cry.
"Honey, all I know is that he was in a car accident. We're on our way to the hospital right now." She says.

We get to the hospital and rush to the front desk.
"Hi I'm Joan Grande, my son, Frankie Grande was in an accident." The lady starts typing on the computer.
"He has just been taken into surgery." She says.
"What?! Is he going to be alright? How long is the surgery?" My mom panics.
"Ma'am I don't have that kind of information, you'll have to wait." We sit down in the waiting room, crying. I decide to call Justin.

No answer from Justin. He's probably still in class. I check the time and it's been lunch time. I call Justin again. No answer. I call again.
"Please answer, I need you Justin." I sob. Still no answer. Why isn't he answering?

Justin's Pov

I put my books away in my locker and head to Ariana. As I turn the corner I see Erica. Shit.

"Hey babe, miss me yet?" She walks up to me.
"Absolutely not." I try and walk past her but she grabs my arm.
"Have you had sex with her?"
"No, I haven't. She's not ready yet." I tell her.
"Wait, she's a virgin?" Erica laughs. "Why are you still with her? You could be having fun with me."
"I love her." She continues to laugh.
"Stop lying, you know you miss me in bed."
"No I don't miss you, I have to go find Ar----." I was cut off by Erica giving me a kiss. Then I hear a camera going off.
"What the fuck is wrong you?" I push her away. "Who took that picture?" I yell.
"You'll have to wait and see." She runs away. I have to tell Ariana first before someone else does.

I go around school and there's no sign of Ariana. I go to her group of friends.
"Have you guys seen Ariana?"
"Didn't she tell you?" Alexa says.
"Tell me what?"
"Her brother Frankie got in a car accident. She's at the hospital right now."
"That's terrible. I have to be with her." I tell them. I get my phone out of my pocket and see several missed calls from Ariana. She must have called when I was with Erica.

Ariana's Pov

Still no word from Frankie's surgery. Justin still hasn't answered my calls. My phone vibrates and it's a message from an unknown number. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. A picture of Justin and a girl kissing. How could he do this to me? I started to cry. First my brother getting in a car accident and now my boyfriend cheating on me.

Today is the worst day ever. As I'm crying I hear shouting.
"Ariana, babe." Justin runs towards me. "I'm so sorry Ariana." He tries to hug me.
"Don't touch me." I back away.
"What's wrong? I came as soon as I heard."
"Yeah, but you were to busy with someone else first." I say. "How could you do this to me?" I sob.
"Ariana I can explain."
"No, it's clear what you were doing." I show him the picture. "We're done, I don't want to see you again!"
"Ariana it was a trap. Please let me explain." He tries to touch me, but I move his hand away.
"I can't believe I trusted you. Gosh I'm so stupid." I turn and walk back to the waiting room. Justin hasn't changed at all, if he did he wouldn't have cheated on me.

Hope you enjoyed this update! (:
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