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Ariana's Pov

Justin's footsteps and mine is the only noise I can hear as we walk to the school campus. Before actually stepping onto school ground I stop.
"Babe, everything is going to be fine. I'm right here with you." Justin's words calm me down. I take a deep breath and start to walk again. The whole school fills with laughter as I walk.

"Baby let me be the one to solve your problem."

A guy says when I walk past him. So nowadays being a virgin is a problem? And does he not realize that Justin is next to me in which he could get beat up.

"Say that again about my girl and I'll beat your ass." Justin's face is a couple inches away from the guy as he grabs him from his shirt. I notice Justin's hands are into fists.
"Justin." I call out his name. "Don't get in a fight right now. Look for him after school." Justin laughs at what I say and let's go of the guy's shirt.
"You're right." We continue to walk to our lockers.
"You know I was joking right." I turn to him.
"Yeah, but did you see his face." I laugh and nod my head.

"It's a shame that a girl as hot as you is still a virgin."

I stop walking and repeat the words in my head that another guy said to me. Next thing I know I see the guy fall to the ground with his nose bleeding.
"Don't you ever say something like that to my girl you son of a bitch." Justin's on top of him ready to punch him again. By now there's a huge crowd around us. Justin notices the crowd and stands up. "Everyone listen up. Yes, Ariana is a virgin, but she also has respect for herself. She's not like the majority of you girls having countless sex with different guys and then later trying to figure out who's the dad of your child because you couldn't keep your legs closed. Ariana's smart, she knows what she's doing and she knows what she wants, like I said she has respect for herself. So if you guys say anything to her you'll end up like that guy or even worse." Justin points to the guys he punched in the nose who's starting to get a black eye. The crowd goes silent and then I see a face that I've been wanting to see since yesterday.

"You fucken bitch." I run to Erica, slapping her in the face. "You caused all of this. You told everyone I was a virgin."
"What's wrong with you? I didn't say anything." Before Erica could slap me, I grab her by the wrist.
"You tried to separate Justin and me and now because of you everyone is laughing at me."
"I didn't say anything. If I were to have said anything I would have done it in such a worse way." Erica laughs.
"You're the only one who knew about it." With that the rings to go to class. Justin and me walk to class together. We take a seat in our chairs and I feel all eyes on me as I look down at my desk. This is going to be a long day.

Justin's Pov

I think back to the day when I told Erica about Ariana. She might be telling the truth.
"Babe are you ok?"  Ariana says knocking me out of my thoughts.
"I think Erica might be telling the truth." Her face goes blank after what I said.
"Are you even listening to yourself?" She closes the car door. "She was the only one who knew."
"Not exactly." I scratch the back of my neck. "When Erica kissed me, I heard a camera go off, which means there was another person listening to our conversation." I tell her.
"Which also means that Erica knows who it is." Ariana raises her voice.
"We'll figure that out tomorrow. Today has been a long day." The car goes silent till one of our phones goes off. I see her texting and see a smile form on her face.

"Who are you texting?" I ask her.
"Aaron!" I repeat after her, stopping the car. "Why are you texting him?"
"He's telling me he's sorry about the whole situation that's going on. He's a nice guy." She tells me.
"You hardly know him. I'm pretty sure he's the one who told everyone that your a virgin." I say.
"No. You're saying that he took the picture of you kissing Erica while listening to your conversation with her?" She questions.
"Yeah, and I'm going to figure that out tomorrow." I know it was him, he did this to get back at me.

Happy New Year's Eve! Hope you liked this chapter. I've been writing a new Jariana fanfic and I'll probably put up the first chapter tomorrow.

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