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Justin's Pov

Today is the day that I'm going to ask Ariana to be my girlfriend. My girlfriend, I'm actually going to be dating someone, if she says yes. I'm gonna have to be late to school today. I have to go to the store and buy flowers and a huge teddy bear for Ariana. I look at my phone and see that class has started. My phone buzzes.

Ariana: where are you?

I decide not to reply. I'll have to be avoiding her throughout the day. I want everything to be perfect.

I arrive to class 30 minutes late. I give my pass to the teacher and go to my seat. Ariana looks at me and gives me a smile. I quickly look away pretending I didn't see her.

Ariana's Pov

I thought it was weird that Justin didn't reply to my text. He always replies within seconds. Halfway through the class period Justin showed up. I smiled at him as he walked to his seat. He completely ignored me. I just sat in my seat, not paying attention to the teacher.

"What's wrong Ariana?" Alexa asks sitting down at the lunch table.
"Justin." I sigh.
"Of course, what did he do now?"
"He's acting strange. He won't talk to me. We had such a great time yesterday."
"Yesterday?" She questioned.
"We went on a d---." Before I could finish Camila runs towards me.
"Ariana you have to come see this." She pulls me. We walk towards the football field and see a heart shaped with rose petals and a huge teddy bear in the middle. Camlia pushes me towards the heart. I see Justin's friends holding signs, I walk closer.

Every Queen deserves a King....

I say out loud. I see Justin get up from behind the bear holing a sign and walks colser to me.

Will you be my girlfriend?

I put my hands over my mouth.
"Yes! Yes, I will!" I give him a hug. "How dare you ask me the day I look like shit." I whisper to him. I'm wearing a shirt and sweats. He laughs.
"You look beautiful." He gives me flowers. There's a big crowd surrounding us. Justin kisses me on the lips. I hear students gasp.

I change into shorts and put my hair in a bun. I feel someone push me towards the gym lockers. I turn around and see five girls.
"What the fuck?" I look at them.
"You think your so cool to be dating Justin Bieber. That won't be for long." One of the girls say. "He's going to dump you once he gets tired of you."
"Are you jealous that Justin asked me to be his girlfriend in front of the whole school, when you only had a one night stand with him or he's probably never even payed attention to you." Her mouth closes.
"Come on girls." She turns around while the others stare at me obviously mad.

Finally school has ended. I walk to my car and see Justin waiting for me. He smiles once he sees me.
"How's my girlfriend? He kisses my cheek.
"Happier now that I'm with you." I say.

We get to my house and go to my room. I put the teddy bear on top of my bed.
"You know you didn't have to all of this. You could've just simply asked me to be your girlfriend and I would've said yes." I tell him.
"No, I wanted to ask you in front of the whole school to let them know that I'm serious about you." I smile at him.
"Wait here." I walk out the room and bring my dogs in. "Justin, these are my babies." The dogs jump on him.
"They're so cute." He pets them.
"This is Toulouse, Coco, Cinnamon, Straus, Ophelia, Sirius, and Lafayette." I point to each.

We spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the dogs and now were on my balcony watching the sunset. I sit on Justin's lap and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Justin?" I start.
"Yes babe." He turns to me. Babe. I smile.
"When you first saw me was I your next victim on your list?" I ask.
"Yes, you were, but that all changed when we started to hang out more. When I saw you with my siblings, I new you were different. Just watching you with them made me start to actually like like you. Your full of surprises." He kisses my forehead. I smile at him.
"Ryan's having a party tomorrow night, do you want to go?" He asks. I nod yes.
"Just don't wear anything too revealing." I laugh. "I'm serious I don't wany guys looking at my girlfriend." I laugh again and kiss his soft lips.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Next update is going to be crazy!!!

Thank you for almost 400 reads!! You guys are amazing! (:  (:

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