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Justin's Pov

I've been wanting to hang out with Ariana for the past week, but she keeps on saying she's busy with school work. I'm in class right now and Mrs. Rios is talking about a project we have to do. I look up at her once she says the word 'partners'.

"Pay attention as I'm calling out names." She says. "Nick you're partners with Jaylen. Stacey and Kevin. Alexa and Tim. Justin you're with Ariana."

"Yes!" Some students stare at me. Did I say that out loud? I look at Ariana and she's already looking at me. Did she hear me too?

*after class*

"Mrs. Rios, can I please be partners with Ariana?" I hear Alexa talking with Mrs. Rios after the bell rang. Ariana is next to her.
"I'm sorry Alexa, but I can't make any more changes. I put Ariana with Justin because ever since she's been here she has outstanding grades and she can help Justin with his grade". Mrs. Rios tells her. Alexa whines. Ariana is smart and hot I think to myself. I'll finally be able to be close to Ariana to work my magic. I know she said to not do cute things for her, but I gotta do what I gotta do.

I see Ariana leaning against her car with Alexa.
"Hey." I walk up to her.
"Ugh. I have to go, I'll text you later Ari." Alexa walks away.
"So when should we start on our project?" I ask.
"You were really excited to be my partner?" She laughs.
"I still am excited." I smile at her. Her smile fades away.
"Give me your number I'll text you my address so you can come over later."
"Why can't I come over now?" I ask her.
"I have to clean my room first."
"Alright, I'll be waiting for your text."

Ariana's Pov

I finished cleaning my room and texted Justin my address. Within seconds my phone dings.

Justin: on my way

About 20 minutes later I hear the door bell ring. I go down stairs and open the door.
"Hey, come in." I greet him.
"Ariana, who is it?" My mom walks in the living room.
"Mom, this is my friend Justin. Justin this is my mom Joan."
"Nice to meet you Mrs. Grande."
"It's nice to meet you too Justin." They shake hands.

"You have a nice house Ariana." Justin says as we walk in my room.
"Thanks." I go to my closet and grab my starwars onesie so I can change.
"What's this?" I hear Justin say. "Moonlight."
"Shit!" I say to myself walking back to Justin. "Nothing." I try to take my notebook away from from him, but raises it above his head.
"If it was nothing you wouldn't be freaking out about it." He smirks.
"That's not fair, you're taller than me." I jump trying to grab my notebook. I jump one more time causing me to push Justin falling onto the bed with me on top of him. Our faces are inches apart staring into each other's eyes. I never noticed how beautiful his eyes are until now. He starts to lean in and so do I. What? I snapped out of it and got off of him.
"I'll be back." I had to get out of there. I grabbed my onesie and went to the restroom to process what just happened. We were about to kiss. Why am I even freaking out? It's not like I have feelings for him, we're just friends. Anyways, I change into my onesie and go back to my room.

Justin's Pov

When Ariana fell on top of me, our faces were inches apart, staring into each other's eyes. As I was staring into her eyes I saw her innocence, she looked so beautiful. As I was sitting on the bed she comes in wearing her onesie. She looks so cute. The room is silent. Maybe I should go.
"I should go." I get up from her bed.
"No, we need to work on our project."
"We have plenty of time to work. Come over to my place tomorrow."
"Ok then, I'll walk you out." She tells me. We go downstairs and she opens the door for me. I don't know why, but I suddenly feel this urge to kiss her.
"See you tomorrow." She says.
"See you tomorrow." I smile. I lean in and kiss her cheek close to her lips. "By the way, you look cute in that onesie." I tell her and walk away.

Ariana's Pov

I touch the spot where Justin kissed me. You look cute in that onesie, his voice echos in my brain.
"Someone likes Justin." I hear my mom say. I realize that I'm smiling.
"No, we're just friends. I don't like him." I tell her. I don't like him.
Or do I?

Hey guys hope you like this update!
Do you think Ariana is starting to like Justin?

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