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Ariana's Pov

"Oh baby, look what you started...." I softly sing, but stop when my phone starts to ring and see Justin's name pop up on the screen.

"Hi, babe." I answer his call.
"Hey babygirl. Jaxon and Jazzy want to go to the beach, wanna come?" He asks.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a little bit."

I look through my drawers for a bathing suit and a cover up and I also grab extra clothes from my closet to change.

"Mom, I'm going to the beach with Justin." I say as I walk down the stairs and notice my mom dressed up.
"Why are you dressed up?" I ask her.
"I'm taking Frankie to the doctor's. He's getting his cast off and we're also going to talk about his therapies." She says.
"That's great. I have to go now, bye mom. I love you."
"Bye sweetie, I love you too."

Just as I was getting in my car, my phone goes off and see a text message from Aaron.

Aaron: are we still on for Starbucks?

Me: maybe next week? I'm back with Justin (:

I put my phone in my bag and drive to Justin's house. I think about what Pattie said last night. She likes me as her daughter-in-law. She wants me as Justin's wife. We've been dating for a little more than a month despite our break up, which is too soon to think about marriage.  It could be a possibility to marry him. I've never felt the way I feel about Justin for any guy that I've been with. Justin is different. I still get 'butterflies' in my stomach when I'm around him.

I get out of my car when I get to Justin's house and knock on the door.

"Hi, babe." Justin says, opening the door.
"Hey, you guys ready?" I ask.

We get to the beach and Jaxon and Jazmyn start running.
"Don't go near the water yet, stay close." Justin, watches them. I take off my cover up and hear Justin say, "damn, I am one lucky guy." I chuckle at his comment.
"Help me put on sunscreen." As he puts the on sunscreen on my back I get goosebumps from his touch. Suddenly, I feel Justin's arm's wrap around me and picks me up over his shoulder.

"Justin, put me down." I yell. Next thing I know I'm under water. "I hate you." I say once I reach the surface and start splashing him.
"I love you too." He also starts to splash me, but stops once he realizes what he just said. My mind goes blank for a moment. He just told me that he loves me. In a relationship saying, 'I love you' is really serious and important to me. I shake it off and start to splash him. Jaxon and Jazmyn start to splash too. We have a guys vs. girls splash fight.

I get tired after a while and get out of the water. I dry myself off and grab my phone. I notice a few missed calls and a text from Alexa. I call Alexa back and she answers within the first ring.
"Ariana, I have to tell you something important." She says.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"The whole school knows that you're a virgin." My jaw drops as soon as she says the last part.
"How? The only people I told were you and the girls."
"It's all over social media, Twitter and Instagram." She pauses. "Ariana we would never do that to you." Alexa tells me.
"No, I'm not saying you guys did. Justin." I turn to see Justin sitting down on the sand with his siblings building a sand castle. His face is serious. He's probably thinking about what he told me. "I'll call you back later Alexa." I hung up.

"Justin." I call out his name. He turns to me. "Did you tell people at school that I'm a virgin?" Justin opens his mouth but then closes it. "Did you tell people that I'm a virgin?" I ask him again waiting for an answer. My eyes start to water.
"I told Erica." He looks up at me. "I only told her because I wanted to let her know that you're not like everyone else. I finally found a girl who actually likes me for me, not someone who always wants to have sex." Justin tells me.

"Still. You shouldn't have told anyone. Now everyone knows that I'm a virgin." I argue.
"Babe, you should be happy to be a virgin. I mean nowadays the majority of the girls at school aren't virgins." I chuckle at what he says although I shouldn't since this is a serious issue.
"Of course I'm happy. It's just, do you know how much shit I'm going to get tomorrow? I'm going to be made fun of."

"No you won't because I'll be right there to defend you." He gives me a hug. "I'll always be by your side babe. And what I said to you earlier, I mean it. I love you Ariana and you don't have to say it back right now, but I'll be waiting to hear those words to come out of your mouth when you're ready because I know you feel the same way about me." Justin says giving me a kiss.

It's been a while since I've updated, but I'm back. I hope you liked this update, it's a little longer. I'm also thinking about writing another Jariana fanfic. Let me know if I should. ♡♡♡

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