[Untitled] Sonia Nevermind X Female Reader

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I really like Miss Sonia so she will be in my first story!

"Come on, you have to ask her eventually!" Your friend, Ibuki Mioda, shouted gaining almost everyone's attention. "I-Ibuki, don't be so loud!" You whisper-shouted. "But you need to ask her eventually! Sonia-chan has two boys going after her!" Ibuki said a little more quiet-not by much though. "See, that's another reason I'm not going to ask her...she may not even be into girls..." You muttered. "Come on (y/n)-chan! You need to ask her out!" Ibuki shouted again. You started blushing ferociously as your classmate started to stare at the two of you. "Ibuki, be a little more quite..." You said. "OOH IBUKI HAS AN IDEA!!!" Ibuki shouted as she ran off somewhere. You ran after her in curiosity of what her plan was.

After a rough estimate of ten minutes later you finally found her, she was in her cottage((in SDR2 they live in cottages, right?)). "Ibuki, what was your idea?" You asked as you kinda just walked in without knocking or giving her a sign that you were there. "OH! IBUKI'S IDEA WAS THAT WE COULD PLAY SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN AND IBUKI COULD SOMEHOW GET YOU TO PICK SONIA-CHAN'S ITEM OR SHE COULD PURPOSELY GET YOUR ITEM!!!" Ibuki shouted. As you were about to question her about how that was going to work she said "OOH, OR WE COULD PLAY TRUTH OR DARE AND GET YOU TO KISS SONIA-CHAN!!" You sweat dropped after she said that and said "But, what if she secretly doesn't even like me? What if she secretly calls me a dyke? In Satan's sweet name what if she-" Ibuki cut you off right there but saying "Ibuki highly doubts Sonia-chan says those mean things about you." You sighed then said "How do you know if she likes me or if she hates me? How do you know she doesn't call me a dyke?" You looked up from the ground to look at Ibuki then noticed a quite pissed off expression on her face. "You know what? I'm going to go and ask Sonia-chan and see what she thinks of you." Ibuki said while she stood up. "I'm not going with you!" You said quickly. "Ibuki thinks that is fine..." She said as she walked out of the door while shutting it after she left.

~with Ibuki and Miss Sonia(and Gundam and Souda but they do not matter right now)~

"SONIA-CHAN!!!" Ibuki yelled across the beach(quite literally). Sonia looked towards the voice to see a running Ibuki Mioda. Sonia gave Gundham his hamster back and turned herself around to look at the hyperactive musician who has slowed down. As Ibuki slowed down and was in front of Sonia she smiled then asked "IBUKIWANTSTOKNOWWHATYOUROPINIONOF(Y/N)-CHANIS!!!!" Sonia gave Ibuki a surprised look. "Um, excuse me, but what did you say?" Asked Sonia. Ibuki cleared her throat then asked in a somewhat more quite tone and a lot slower "Ibuki said, Ibuki wants to know what your opinion of (y/n)-chan is!" Sonia blushed a little after hearing your name. "Ibuki, may we talk in private?" Sonia asked politely. "Sure!" Ibuki replied.
So, Sonia and Ibuki took a long walk together just to make sure that no one was following them and they finally stopped walking. "Okay, so you...wanted to know if I had feelings for (y/n), correct?" Sonia asked while she was playing with her bracelet."YES! Ibuki really wants to know because (y/n)-chan really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really likes you-I MEAN-" Ibuki said quickly. "Wait, (y/n)...likes me?" Sonia asked with a slight blush. "Yeah...Ibuki didn't mean to say that part but yeah." Ibuki said while she smiled sheepishly. "Oh, well you wanted to know if I had feelings for her?" Sonia asked again. "Yes, Ibuki really wants to know."Ibuki said. Sonia sighed. "Well, I must say that I really-"

~back to you!!!(hahahaha I'm so mean)

You plopped down on Ibuki's bed(face down) quite a while ago and you finally rolled over onto your back after what felt like forever. "What if Sonia doesn't like me? What if she was just pretending to be nice to me? What if she thinks I'm the most repulsive human on earth? What if Ibuki told sONIA HOW I FELT ABOUT HER BEFORE SONIA TOLD IBUKI ABOUT HOW SHE FELT ABOUT ME??? HOLY FUCK I WISH IBUKI DIDNT DO THAT!" You were talking/yelling to yourself. "IN SATANS SWEET NAME-" you were about to say something then you heard a knock at the door. You got up to see who it was, you opened the door to see Twogami. "Oh, um, hello Togami?" You said with your voice rising at the end, making it sound like a question. "I heard yelling...are you okay?" Twogami asked. "Yeah, I'm just yelling at myself because I'm seriously wishing that I didn't even tell Ibuki something from the beginning." You replied. "Okay, well, I was just curious...that's all." Twogami said then walked away. You shut the boor after he left then plopped back down on Ibuki's bed, on your back.

~Okay, now we're back to Sonia and Ibuki

"Well, I must say that I really like her..."Sonia said with a red face. Ibuki's face lit up then she said "OH MY GOD IM SO GLAD IBUKI WAS GOING TO CRY IF YOU DIDNT OMG IBUKI SHIPS IT!"Ibuki yelled. "IBUKI IS GOING TO GO TELL (y/n) WHAT YOU SAID AND MAYBE IBUKI CAN GET YOU TWO TO DATE THAT WOULD BE FANTASTIC IF IBUKI COULD DO THAT OMG!"Ibuki said very excitedly. "Well, I wouldn't mind if you could get us to date..." Sonia said with a small smile. "IBUKI IS GOING TO DO IT!" Ibuki shouted while she started to run back to her cottage to go and tell you the good news.

~with Sonia

While that happened, Sonia made her way back to Gundham so she could pet his Four Dark Devas Of Destruction. When she got to where Gundham and Souda were, they were arguing about something that was probably stupid. But they stopped as soon as they noticed Sonia walking towards them.

~With Ibuki

Ibuki busted into her cottage screaming" IBUKI ASKED SONIA-CHAN WHAT SHE THOUGHT ABOUT YOU AND SHE SAID SHE LIKED YOU LIKE, AS IN LIKE LIKE!" Your eyes went wide and you said" wHAT? SHE LIKES ME?" Ibuki plopped down beside you and she giggled. She turned her head to face you and she said" Sonia-chan likes you...so you two should date~" You turned your head to face her. "How do i ask her? Do I just go up to her and be like ' hey girl, I like your face...wanna date'?" You asked. "OOOH, IBUKI WILL ASK SONIA TO COME OVER THEN YOU CAN DO EXACTLY THAT!" Ibuki shouted as she stood up and walked out of the door, closing it behind her. You grabbed one of Ibuki's pillows and screamed into it. When you were done with that you sat up and took your shoes off so you could lie down in your back on the bed. Soon after that you heard Ibuki taking to someone so you quickly sat up and ran your fingers through your hair. Ibuki opened the door and kinda pushed Sonia in then slammed the door shut. "Um, hello Miss Sonia..."you said with a slight blush. "Oh, hello (y/n)." Sonia said as she sat down beside you on the bed. "Ibuki told me that you liked me too so...do you-would you like to date me?" You asked, averting your gaze downward. Sonia looked at you the she said " Yes, I would love to." You looked up with a smile then she did something that was completely unexpected-she kissed you on your cheek. You blushed ferociously then you grabbed her face-gently then kissed her lips. The kiss lasted not too terribly long but it felt like it lasted an eternity.

How bad was this? I feel like this was very bad...

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