[Untitled] Sonia Nevermind X Reader

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LLotteYuiStars , my apologies for writing this to be so short...I had no inspiration.

"Miss Sonia~" you whispered sweetly as you wrapped your arms around her waist. She gasped lightly, as she was not expecting you to pop up behind her. "(Y/n), please do not sneak up on me like that!" She giggled softly. "I couldn't help it, you just looked so beautiful..." You muttered into her neck. "How would you know if I looked beautiful at that moment? My back was facing you!" She exclaimed. "I don't have to look at your face to know you're beautiful." You said softly. Sonia made a faint squeaking noise-it wasn't exactly a squeak but there was no other way to describe it. "Miss Sonia?" You said while twirling a lock of the said female's hair around your finger. She hummed in response then said "(y/n), what is it?" You sighed softly then said"I love you very much Miss Sonia." Then kissed her cheek. Sonia blushed very dark then said "I-I love you too (y/n)."

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