Nagito Komaeda x reader ["Are You Done?"]

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AYYY LMAO I DID A REQUEST, IDK WHO REQUESTED IT BUT HERE U GO MY LOVELY LITTLE BUNNY(I'm calling all of my readers lovely little bunnies because one of my favourite writers has a name for her readers and I just wanted to be cool like her and I have a name for my readers).

"Hey (y/n), are you done yet?" Nagito asked you as he walked into your and his bedroom. You sighed. "No, I'm not done Nagito...I'm stuck and I don't know what to write." You said. "I'm screwed. It's over, please kill me now Nagito." You said monotonously as you rested your head on your desk. Nagito's eyes widened and a panicked expression took over his face quickly. "No! I can't do that to my precious (y/n)! I can't let her die!" Nagito said as he rushed over to you, made you sit up and squeezed your torso tightly. "You're-ow-hurting me." You said with laboured breathing. Nagito loosed his tight grip on you and apologised immediately. "(Y/n)-chan! I'm so sorry please don't hate me for-" Nagito was cut off by you giving him a light peck on the cheek. "Calm down Nagito, I wasn't completely serious." You sighed. "Oh...wait, not completely serious???" Nagito asked as his concerned expression returned in what seemed to be 0.02 seconds. "Nagito...don't worry about it doll."(idk about you but I call my girlfriend "doll" and she really likes that nickname so I decided to use it in here) you told Nagito as you sent him a small smile. Nagito's mood increased greatly by seeing your smile. Nagito sent you a smile back and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "Hey...(y/n)...I love you." Nagito confessed. "Wow, don't be so gay, but I kinda figured that out since we're dating and stuff." You replied before sticking your tongue out at Nagito. Nagito frowned and crossed his arms. "Nagito I was just joking around, PLEASE song be upset with meee~" you called out to your personification of a marshmallow that just happened to be your boyfriend(fight me, I called my bby a personification of a marshmallow). "I'm not upset with you (y/n)." Nagito said before standing up straight and stretching. When Nagito stretched his shirt lifted up a bit, allowing you to see a bit of his pale stomach. "Nagito, why are you so pale?" You asked your boyfriend. "The real question is why you are so pale (y/n)." Nagito retorted. "...fight me Nagito Komaeda, fight me right here right now." You said as you stood up from your desk and walked up to Nagito. "Sure, let's fight." Nagito said with a lazy smile. "Okie dokie, lets have a brutal fight, a fight to the death." You proposed. "Sure, lets." Nagito replied. You punched Nagito in the stomach, not hard though, you were kidding about the whole "brutal fight to the death" thing and Nagito knew it. You were always like, this. "I suppose it's my turn now." Nagito said as he punched you, very lightly, on the shoulder. "aH, MY HEART, MY LOVING BOYFRIEND PUNCHED ME IN THW ARM. IM GOIMH TO DIE-" you said dramatically before falling on the bed while making fake strangled choking sounds.  "You're so weird (y/n)." Nagito said before laughing a bit. You stopped your fake choking sounds. "Frick you Najitoe Kommunist." You said monotonous before lazily draping an arm around Nagito's waist. "Mmh, frick you too." Nagito said before closing his eyes.

"Hey (y/n), did you finish your paper yet?"


Ps the reader and I share similar personality traits

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