[untitled] Hiyoko Saionji x Female Reader

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Okay, this is really bad and Hiyoko is probably extremely out of character. LittleYuiStars  I rewrote this story many times so it isn't how I originally wanted it to be.

"Okay, everyone! We are going to play 20 minutes in heaven since last time we played 7 minutes in heaven we got to see...something interesting between Souda and Gundham!" Ibuki shouted with her usual enthusiasm. "Wait Ibuki, how are we going to choose who we're going in the closet with?" Hinata asked. "Well, we're obviously going to remove an item that we have in us and put in in a bowl." Hinata simply nodded. Everyone put in an item of their choice. You put one of your (insert jewellery item here).

~Small timeskip

It was Hiyoko's turn to pick something up."Please don't pick my item please don't pick my item." You repeated in your head over and over. Hiyoko pulled out (your item) and she made a disgusted sound. You sighed in annoyance. "Great, I'm going to have to be in a closet with this little bitch for 20 minutes." You muttered. Ibuki made a happy squealing sound and grabbed your arm and then practically throwing you in the closest. Hiyoko was thrown in the closet after you, she lashed on top of you making you groan. Ibuki slammed the closet door and locked it. "Ugh, get off of me." You said as you tried to get her off of you. "What if I don't want to get off of you?" Hiyoko snapped. "Well, don't then." You replied. Hiyoko puffed her cheeks out and resumed to sit on you. "Well, if you're going to sit on me can I at least get comfortable?" You asked the smaller girl. "Sure." Hiyoko said as she got off of you for a moment. You adjusted yourself for comfort then motioned for Hiyoko to come back to you. Hiyoko sat on your lap and wrapped her arms around your neck.

"So, um, we're supposed to like kiss or something, right?" Hiyoko asked. "Um, I think so." You replied. "Well, we should do that then, shouldn't we?" Hiyoko asked. "Uh, sure?" You replied quietly. After that Hiyoko slammed her lips into yours in an obvious inexperienced kiss. You pulled away from her kiss earlier than she wanted. "I can tell that you're inexperienced, Hiyoko." You said while chuckling. Hiyoko blushed quite head then asked. "H-how would you know that?" You simply chuckled then kissed both of her cheeks then her lips. You could tell how hot Hiyoko's face was despite not being able to see it. "I love you Saionji~" you whispered. "I-I guess I like you too." Hiyoko whispered. "We still have plenty of time in here so least make the bast of it." You said quietlyin her ear.


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