[Untitled] Gundham Tanaka x reader(its just where they meet)

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Frisk0rChara , I'm so sorry that this is so bad and there is basically no romance...I couldn't think of what to do for him and I just feel really bad...

You were volunteering at the animal shelter with the persuasion of Sonia-it honestly didn't take more than her simply saying"(y/n), volunteer at the animal shelter! You get to be around adorable animals all day!" She knew exactly how you felt about animals. But anyway, you were volunteering at the nearest animal shelter with your best friend, Sonia Nevermind, in a room with a lot of cats.

~time skippu~

A few hours passed by, all you were doing was playing with cats. You looked down at your watch and noticed that it was about time for you to leave since you had work the next day. "Oh, I'm sorry but I have to leave...I have work tomorrow." You aid as you tried to get a fluffy orange cat out of your lap. "Oh, it's fine. I understand why you have to leave." Sonia said as she picked up a smaller cat that looked like it was wearing a tuxedo. You got up from where you were sitting and tried to get as much cat hair off of you as possible-which was very hard to do and you gave up after a few seconds. "Well, I'm off to home and I'll see you tomorrow!" You said as you smiled then pet a cat's head that was rubbing against your leg. After petting the cat's head you left the room then walked to the desk at the front of the animal shelter. As you were making your way out of the door and muttering a goodbye to the lady at the desk a really odd guy-he had super ridiculous hair, a greyish completion, one of his eyes were red and the other was grey. The first think you thought when you saw his eyes were "holy shit, that's a really cool red contact...I wonder where he bought it." He noticed you looking at him for a moment then you quickly left.

~time skip to the next day and after work because I'm unmotivated and lazy as fuck~

You couldn't get that peculiar looking man out of your head, you weren't sure what it was about him that intrigued you-was it the scar over one of his eyes? Was it his red eye? What exactly was it that intrigued you so much about this man? You decided to forget about him for a bit by going to the local animal shelter and playing with all of the adorable animals. You went home to change out of your uniform and change into more comfortable clothing that you didn't mind getting animal hair over. You did exactly that then walked to the animal shelter. When you arrived to the animal shelter you went to the room with all of the adorable cats and kittens. When you got to the room you saw miss Sonia playing with the cat that looked like it was wearing a tuxedo, you thought that the sight of he and the kitten was so cute that you couldn't resist talking a photo. Miss Sonia heard the sound of your camera on your phone and looked up, clearly shocked. "(Y/n)! You frightened me!" Sonia said. "I'm sorry, you just looked so cute with the kitten-I couldn't resist taking a picture..." You said with a rather large smile. Sonia giggled then said it was fine and to send it to her.

~another motherfucking time skip~

A few hours passed by and all you were doing was playing with cats and dogs. You left the room saying your goodbyes to Sonia and the lady at the front desk-you could never remember her name. As you were saying goodbye to the lady at the desk the same man from yesterday came into the shelter and then the lady said "oh, hello Gundham! Are you going to take some more animals with you?" The man who was named Gundam simply nodded then said "Yes, I will be taking some of the fur-beasts with me." You raised an eyebrow of his choice of words then waved to the lady then took your leave.


You walking home from a long day of work-you were way to tired to go to the animal shelter and play with the animals, all you wanted to do was practice for death-I mean sleep. As you made your way home you noticed that someone was following you-it was the guy that you kept seeing at the animal shelter. The man suddenly said in a very loud voice "Hello Demoness, I am Gundham Tanaka!" You jumped a little from his volume then you muttered "h-hi, I'm (y/n)..."

Fuck, this is really bad...

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