Touko Fukawa x Fem Reader

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Holy fuck, I actually posted a story! Anyway this was requested by....a person...I forgot who the hell requested it but hey, at least I did it.

"H-Hey Fukawa, would you care to study with me after school?" You asked the purplish-brown haired female. Fukawa's eyes widened. "M-me?!" Fukawa asked you with wide eyes. "Y-yeah, you're the only Fukawa here." You replied, tilting your head.  Fukawa looked off to the side and put her hand to her mouth. "S-sure." Fukawa said before walking off. "H-hey! You never told me where we should meet up!" You shouted after the ultimate literary girl. Fukawa didn't reply and just walked faster. "Come on...really Fukawa?" You sighed. "Hey, you need her number?" Leon asked as he walked up behind you. "I would like to have her number..." You said as you were still watching Fukawa running away. "Ya' know that I have it, right?" Leon said as he put a hand on your shoulder. "You do?" You asked the red headed baseball player. "I have my ways, but hand me your phone and I'll put her number in." Leon said as he took his hand off of your shoulder and moved to the spot in front of you. You unlocked your phone and handed him it hesitantly. "J-just don't do anything but put Fukawa's number in my phone, please." You said as Leon started typing on the screen of your phone. "Don't worry-wait, Souda wanted your number is it okay if I put in his number too?" Leon asked, glancing at you briefly. "Sure." You replied without thinking as you looked around the hallway. A few minutes passed and then Leon finally handed you your phone. "Thanks but why did it take you so long to put the number in?" You asked Leon. "Your phone is stupid and wouldn't save the numbers." Leon replied. "Hey, we need to get to class before Ishimaru gives us a detention." Leon added as he walked off to his class. "Wait, numbers?" You asked yourself curiously as you walked to your next class as well.

You got to your last class of the day, which was free period and you decided to go to the library and text Fukawa.

(Y/n): Hi Fukawa! Leon gave me your number...

Fukawa: Why did you want my number?

(Y/n): I recall you saying that you'd like to study with me but you never told me where we could meet up...

Fukawa: I forgot about that...but how about the school library?

(Y/n): sounds good! If fact, I'm already in the library so it's quite convenient.

Fukawa: okay, I'll be there after my class ends

(Y/n): I'm so sorry, I forgot you didn't have free period...

Fukawa: it's fine.

(Y/n): okay, just apologising

You texted her about ten minutes ago with the message "okay, just apologising" and she didn't reply. "Why isn't she replying to me?" You asked yourself quietly. It took you a few minutes to recall that Fukawa was in another class and she probably could've gotten in trouble if she was caught texting in class. "Okay." You said as you checked the time on your phone '14:55'. "Five minutes until classes end!" You said quietly to yourself while grinning. "Five more minutes until I can confess to Fukawa." You whispered. Your eyes widened in panic as you realised that you had no plan for confessing to Fukawa. After a few moments of pondering you decided that you would just grab her hand in yours and spill your feelings out to Fukawa. "Fuck, it's going to be so cliché but I guess it'll have to do for now." You said to yourself. You sighed while getting a book out of your bag and opening up to the page you last left off on.

"H-h-hey (y/n)." A timid female voice said. You looked up, not quite recognising he voice at first. "Oh, hey Fukawa!" You said with a smile. Fukawa didn't return your smile and she just sat down. "S-so, what are w-we going to st-study?" Fukawa asked. "Well, to be completely honest....I um, wanted to talk to you about something else..." You said while putting a book mark to mark your spot in the book you were reading. "W-what?" Fukawa asked, clearly confused. You grabbed her hand in yours. "Okay, so Fukawa, I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time and I finally gathered enough courage to say this.... Touko Fukawa, I love y-" your sentence was cut off by Souda Kazuichi falling right behind you and screeching as he hit the floor. You just stared at the pinkette and rolled your eyes. "Ya know what, let's go take a walk Fukawa." You said as you put your book back in your bag and took Fukawa's hand in yours again. "(A
Y-y/n), what were you going to say?" Fukawa asked as you pulled her up and basically dragged her out of the school building with you. "We're going some place that we won't be bothered." You replied. Fukawa furrowed her eyebrows. You were dragging Fukawa along with you until you stopped at a bench in the park, underneath a sakura tree(my phone autocorrected to sakakura, restaroni in pepperoni me).

You sat down on the bench and patted the seat next to you, motioning for Fukawa to sit next to you. "Fukawa, what I was going to say in the library was...was that I love you and I have loved you for such a long time." You said as you hid your face in your hands. Fukawa gasped. "I understand if you don't like me, I understand that girls aren't supposed to be with each other but I...I just love you so much." You said, your voice getting quieter as you kept talking. "(Y-y/n), I...I love you too." Fukawa said as she did the most unusual thing-she hugged you and kissed your cheek. You sat there, not knowing what to do and blush like an idiot. "Y-you love me b-back?" You asked as you took your hands away from your face. "Yes, I love you! I-I just never thought you were into me." Fukawa admitted as she pulled away from you. "Well, it's quite obvious that I do love you and I am into you." You said as you took her hand and kissed the back of it. Fukawa blushed. "Fukawa...ya know, I'll be into you eventually if you get what I mean." You said while winking at the literary girl. "W-w-what?" Fukawa asked as her face heated up in such a bright shade of red tags she would put a strawberry to shame. "H-hey, I was just kidding Touko-I mean Fukawa." You replied as you grinned. "Y-you're such an odd person." Fukawa said as she leaned on your shoulder. You picked up a sakura petal. "Hey Fukawa, you see this Sakura petal?" You asked. Fukawa hummed. "It's pretty and reminds me of you." You added. "R-really? You think I'm pretty?" Fukawa questioned, taking her head off of your shoulder. "Yep, in fact I think youre the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on!" You said before you leaned in and kissed Fukawa on the lips. Fukawa pulled away. "I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever laid eyes on as well." Fukawa said right before she leaned back in and connected your lips once more.

Lmao this probably turned out terrible

And thank you all for over 1k reads! I never expected this book to ever get that far...I would like to do something special for so many reads but what should I do? If you have any suggestions on what I could do I would like for you to either comment down below or message me!

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