Comfort (Ruruka Andou x Female reader)

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Oml I'm actually uploading a story for the first time in thirty years...anyway, this short, shitty oneshot actually took me a long time to do because I haven't been feeling confident in my writing and I just haven't been feeling like writing recently. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this piece of garbage.

"I'm so bored..." the pink haired confectioner complained as she sat down next to her boyfriend. "What do you want me to do about it?" The dirty blonde blacksmith asked as he looked away from Ruruka. "Entertain me Yoi~" Ruruka said as she scooted over to Sonosuke and put a hand on his arm. "No." Sonosuke simply replied while shaking the confectioner off of him. Ruruka let out a small gasp. "I-Izayoi..." Ruruka whimpered. "T-this isn't like y-you." Ruruka added on, talking barely above a whisper. "I don't want you anymore." Sonosuke said while glaring and got up, exiting the room. "I-Izayoi..." Ruruka managed to croak out before she started to cry. 'What did I do to him? Why doesn't he want me anymore? Does he not love me anymore?' Ruruka thought as she cried, covering her face with her hands. Ruruka tried her best to stop her crying as she heard the door open. "Ruruka!" You exclaimed as you ran over to the pink haired female who clearly tried to stop herself from crying. "Ruru, what's wrong?" You asked as you looked her directly in her beautiful ice blue eyes. "Please...please tell me Ruru..." you whispered as you tried your best to wipe the crying girl's tears away. "I-Izayoi-" Ruruka said before she started to cry again. You pulled Ruruka into a hug, she never cried and you felt the need to comfort her.

After what seemed to be twenty minutes of Ruruka crying, she finally stopped and was just sniffing occasionally. "What did he do to you? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." You whispered while stroking Ruruka's soft pink hair. "I'd rather not tell you right now, maybe later." Ruruka said quietly. "That's fine Ruru, that's perfectly fine." You replied before pushing Ruruka off of you gently. "Ruruka, this is probably a terrible time to say such a thing but-I...I love...I love you..." you admitted while biting your lip and trying your best to avert Ruruka's gaze. You heard a small gasp coming from Ruruka. "(Y/n)....I'm-you-you love me?" Ruruka said purely confused. "Yes...I love you Ruruka, I have for such a long time-since we met in highschool." You admitted. After a few moments of silence Ruruka laughed. You looked at her terrified. Does she think I'm gross for liking her? Does she think I'm repulsive for liking a girl? You thought. "I thought it was s-so odd for me to like you...and I thought you wouldn't like me back." Ruruka said while smiling. " I honestly thought you wouldn't like me back (y/n)." Ruruka said as she grabbed you hand and it with hers. "Oh my god, I thought you would think I was gross for liking you." You replied to Ruruka. Ruruka smiled and ran her thumb over your knuckles. You giggled softly and looked up at Ruruka. She wasn't paying  attention. "Hey, Ruru, look up." You said as you shifted yourself closer to your now girlfriend. "Hmm?" Ruruka said as she looked up. When Ruruka looked up, you collided your lips with hers. Ruruka let out a small, surprised sound but slowly melting into the kiss and returning it. After a few moments you pulled away from the kiss, smiling. "I love you Ruru!" You exclaimed. "I love you too (y/n)." Ruruka replied.

MMmmMmMmmMmm that sure was shitty

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