Souda Kazuichi x female Reader

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Lookie here, you get three updates in a row! Y'all are some lucky mfs I don't think I've ever updated three times in a row in any of my one shot books. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 1782 word story (excluding the A/N)

"Kazuichi...hey, Kazuichi." You said with pure boredom apparent in your voice. "Psst! Hey Kazu!" You whispered to the said male. Souda looked up from his phone then looked at you while raising an eyebrow. "What do ya need?" Souda asked. "ssssssoudaaaaa!" You said in a hushed voice. "What?" The pink haired male asked. After he asked you that question you made a screeching noise. "Jesus Christ (y/n), that was terrifying!" Souda exclaimed. You stared at him blankly then Souda looked back down at his phone. "Souda~" you said in a sweet voice. "What do you need (y/n)-chan?" He asked after sighing loudly. "Please look at me for a moment." You said while scooting closer to Souda. "What, why-" Souda said but was cut off by your lips on his. You pulled away quickly. "I-I'm sorry-I couldn't help myself." You said quietly. Souda didn't reply, he just touched his lips. "H-hey Kazuichi, d-don't look at m-me please." You said in a hushed voice. Souda looked at you. "G-Goddamn it, I said n-not to look at m-me." You whispered to yourself.

"H-hey (y/n), why d-did ya do that?" Souda asked as he averted his gaze from you to elsewhere. "Um, because I wanted to?" You asked in a tone of voice that made it sound like you were asking a question. "I'm actually not sure, I have no reasoning besides that I just did it." You added quickly. Souda glanced at you then cleared his throat. "A-are you mad at me?" You asked weakly. "Huh? What? No, why would I de mad at you?" Souda replied, still not looking at you. "Well, there are m-many reasons to be mad at me..." You said quickly. "Give me some examples (y/n)." Souda said while putting his phone away. "U-um, I make screeching noises for no reason, I yell at stupid people in horror movies, I'm get overly excited about really petty stuff, I'm overdramatic, I cry when(Angels deserve to die*cough*system of a down reference*cough*)fictional characters die, I'm just really annoying in general, and there are many more reasons why you should hate-" you were cut off by Souda kissing you gently. You were surprised by Souda's sudden act of affection and you let out a muffled moan.

"K-Kazuichi, it's kinda obvious now but I really like-no love you." You said quietly. "I love ya too (y/n)." Souda replied with a smile. "Hey Kazu, what if I called you a Kazoo?" You asked. "Well, just don't call me a Kazoo please." Souda replied, furrowing his eyebrows. "But what if I call you Kazoo anyway?" You asked while poking his cheek. "I don't know, just don't do it please." Souda said. You stayed silent for a few minutes. "Kazuichi, look at me for a moment." You said out of nowhere. Souda looked down at you then raised an eyebrow. "Kazoo, close your eyes." You said. "Okay, but why am I doing it?" Souda asked while closing his eyes. "You'll see." Is all you said before getting up from your spot of the male's bed then sitting on his lap, facing him then wrapping your arms around his neck. "(Y-y/n)-what are you doing?" Souda asked while opening his eyes rather quickly. "I'm sitting on you, isn't quite obvious?" You asked while adjusting yourself. When you adjusted yourself Souda moaned a little. "Kazuichi, are you comfortable?" You asked while 'adjusting' yourself on Souda's lap. This made Souda moan louder than before. "S-Souda, I want you inside m-" your sentence was cut off.

Souda woke up by you shaking his shoulder gently (haha, it was just one of Souda's dreams!) "Kazu, wake up." You whispered. "H-how did you get into my house?" Souda asked while rubbing his eyes. "It doesn't matter, we need to get to school in about 40 minutes." You said while standing up from your crouching position. "If we have 40 minutes why did you get me up now?" Souda asked. "You take a long time to get up-HEY! Don't you dare go back to sleep!" You exclaimed. "Huh? sorry." Souda said while yawning. "Kazu, get up. We have stuff to do today." You said while you walked to Souda's closet to grab his outfit (idfk what he wears) he wore for school. You grabbed his uniform then threw it at him. "Do you want any tea or coffee this morning?" You asked while stretching. "Uh, I would say tea but i don't have any." Souda said as he sat in the side of the bed. "I have tea." You said. "Yeah, you have some at your house." Souda said before he yawned. "I have some in my bag." You said as you a pulled out a packet of peppermint tea and a packet of Earl Grey tea out of the front of your bag. "Why the hell do you have tea in your bag?" Souda asked groggily. "Well, you never know when you'll need tea packets." (This is me, I literally keep tea packets in my purse) You replied while shaking the tea packets. Souda sighed. "I guess I'll have peppermint tea if you will make it for me." Your eyes lit up. "Okay, I'll go make you some breakfast while you get dressed!" You said with enthusiasm while making your way out of Souda's room. "Goddamn it (y/n), I think I like you." Souda muttered.

~small time skippu brought to you by my Nic Cage memes~

Souda got done getting ready for school and went downstairs to see you making toast for the both of you. You heard Souda's footsteps then said "Good morning Souda, breakfast is almost done!" Souda smiled when you said his name. I think I'm staring to like Miss (y/n) more than I like Miss Sonia... Souda thought while picking up the steaming hot cup of peppermint tea. "Hey (y/n), did ya make yourself anything?" Souda asked while blowing on the steaming hot tea. "Yep, I made myself a cup of Earl Grey tea and a piece of toast-oh and I made you two pieces of toast." You said as you handed Souda a plate with two pieces of toast on it. "Thanks." Souda said before he took a rather large bite of the toast. "You're welcome." You replied as you took a small bite out of the toast you made yourself. You two ate in silence when suddenly Souda cleared his throat. "Hey (y/n), is it just my imagination or are you not eating much anymore?" Souda asked before talking a sip of his tea. You furrowed your eyebrows. "It's just your imagination Souda." You replied while taking a sip of your tea. "Okay, just making sure." Souda said as he walked over to the sink to wash his cup. You nodded at him then handed your cup to him. "Since you're already washing stuff, here is my cup. Please wash it." You said. "Fine." Souda replied. "Thank you very much Mr. Shark." You said with a smile. "Mr. Shark? Where did that come from?" Souda asked you. "Well, in a way you look like a shark." You replied casually. Souda furrowed his eyebrows then nodded and went back to cleaning the cups and plates.

~time skippu to where Souda is done cleaning~

"Souda, it's time to go to you have all of your stuff together?" You asked the pink haired male while putting your backpack on. "Yeah, I do." Souda replied. "Then let's go to school and wish we were dead for 8 hours!" You said with fake enthusiasm (mE). "Jesus, lighten up (y/n)." Souda said. "No thanks, I'm fine." You replied. Souda rolled his eyes.  "Don't roll your eyes at me Mr. Shark!" You said while puffing your cheeks. Souda looked up/down at you(Souda is 5"6 I believe, so it depends on your height). As you said that Souda thought of a picture he saw a while ago where the caption was 'don't roll your fucking eyes @ me' and someone photoshopped an eye onto a bowling ball. Souda furrowed his eyebrows and shook his head. "Oi, what's wrong with you Mr. Shark?" You asked Souda. "N-nothing....I just thought about one of the weird meme things you posted on Facebook." Souda replied as he looked at you. "Oh, you mean my fresh memes?" You asked Souda while grinning. Souda sighed. "Yes, I meant your fresh memes." Souda said under his breath (yes, the fresh memes). You laughed and then held Souda's hand. Souda's face went beat-red as you did this. "Come on slow poke or should I say...Slow Bro." You said with a small smile. "(Y/n), you know that I don't understand your Pokémon references." Souda said as he tried to cover his red cheeks. "Dang." You said quietly.

~small time skippu brought to you by Ibuki's cute mini fangs~

"Souda, you need to come to class with me." You said to the neon pink haired boy. "Why should I? We're not required to go to class." Souda said bluntly. "That's true but think about Miss. Chisa!" You said while putting your hands on your hips. Souda sighed. "(Y/n), do have a crush on her or something?" Souda asked while he took his hat off and ran a hand through his neon pink hair. You took your hands off of your hips and looked away. " would m-make me g-gay and I s-swear I'm not..." You said with a huff. "Mmhm, that's why you're blushing and stuttering." Souda said with a grin. "S-shut up you-you loser!" You huffed. Souda looked at you and grinned. He thought you were adorable when you were mad. "What are you grinning at you weirdo?" You asked. "You and your adorableness." Souda said while not thinking about what he said. Your face turned red almost immediately after he called you adorable. "Y-you think I-I'm adorable?"  You asked shyly. Souda walked towards you and put his hands on your cheeks. "Yes I think you're absolutely gorgeous and adorable." Souda said as he put his forehead against yours. You laughed. "I think you're gorgeous and adorable as well Souda!" You said with a smile. Souda tried to pull away from you but you held onto his waist. "You are absolutely stunning Mr. Shark!" You said before you have Souda a quick kiss on the cheek. Souda smiled a bit and gave a quick peck on the cheek.

Okay, idk who is next so look forward to that

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