Seiko Kimura x fem reader

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I'm so sorry for not posting last weekend, I was at a convention and I had no time to do anything because I was so busy...and this is probably really bad so please don't hate me for it...oh! And this does contain a little bit biting because that's one of my (many) kinks oKAY BYE.

"Hey Seiko." You said quietly as you walked into your girlfriend's office. She was doing either paperwork or drawing, you couldn't quite tell yet. Seiko looked up at you and smiled, you could tell she was smiling by how her eyes lit up when she saw you. Seiko took off her mask and got up from her desk, walking towards you. "(Y/n), I kinda missed you." Seiko said as she gave you a hug. "I missed you too but I was just a couple of doors down, you could've just came to my office." You replied before giving your girlfriend a kiss on the cheek, returning her hug. "I know I could've done that." Seiko said quietly. You smiled at Seiko and then pulled away from her and walking over to her desk. "So, babe, what were you working on?" You asked Seiko as you looked down at all of the small things on her desk. "I-it was n-nothing important." Seiko replied quickly. "Mmhm, sure it wasn't important." You sighed.


You've been in Seiko's office for about an hour and all she did was sit at her desk and worked on something that she wouldn't let you see. "Sei, please entertain me." You said while walking over to Seiko then put your hands on her shoulders, applying a small amount of pressure. "I-I don't know how i-I'm supposed to entertain you." Seiko said as she got the piece of paper she was working on and put it in her desk. "I do my know how you are supposed to entertain me but please do it."  You replied. Seiko turned around in her chair to face you then got up. Seiko was taller than you, not by too much but she was taller than you. Seiko walked towards you and you walked backwards until you hit the wall. "Fuck." You said softly. "You...want to be entertained...right?" Seiko asked as she put her hands on your hips. "Y-yes, I do want to be entertained Sei." You replied while looking Seiko in her eyes. "I think I know how I can entertain you." Seiko said, her voice filled with lust. "Is that so Sei?" You replied before kissing her on the corner of her mouth. "Yeah." Seiko replied before kissing your neck. You let out a small moan and bit your lip. Seiko smiled and kept kissing and licking your neck and then suddenly bit down on your shoulder. You moaned loud when she bit your shoulder. "Fuck, Sei, you know I like that don't you?" You asked breathlessly. Seiko stopped working on your neck and looked at you in the eyes. "Yeah, I know you like that kind of stuff." Seiko replied before kissing your lips passionately. You smiled then pulled away. You walked over to her desk and then held her mask. "Hey Sei-" your sentence was cut off by a loud knocking.

A voice you recognised as Ruruka's said something about not wanting to open the door. "Fucking fuck." You muttered softly. You handed Seiko her mask and she nodded at you. "It's okay (y/n), we can continue later." Seiko whispered to you. Seiko put her mask on and you decided to sit down on a couch she had in her office. Seiko opened the door to let the candy slut-I mean Ruruka and Sonosuke into her office. "It look you long enough to open the door for me." Ruruka said with her usual snobby voice. Ruruka was about to lead Sonosuke to the couch to sit down but she realised that you were sitting on the couch. "Um, could you move?" Ruruka asked rudely. You looked at her and then got off of the couch and sat on Seiko's desk. Ruruka sat down, motioning for Sonosuke to follow her. Sonosuke followed her commands and sat down next to the confectioner and then put his head on her lap. 'I bet she puts a drug in the sweets she gives Sonosuke' you thought to yourself.

"C-can I help you two?" Seiko asked. "Ummm, yeah! You see, there's a certain something I want and you're the only person who can give it to me." Ruruka said with fake friendliness. You let out an annoyed groan. Seiko nodded at Ruruka and went to the back of her office which had all of the medicines she made. You looked at Seiko's retreating form and found yourself smiling. 'Man, I'm lucky to have her.' You thought. You snapped out of your thoughts about Seiko and stopped smiling. "Why were you smiling at Seiko?" Ruruka asked while feeding Sonosuke. "I-it doesn't matter." You said softly. Ruruka fed Sonosuke another sweet item and a small "dewishish" came from Sonosuke. "What, do you have a crush on her or something?" Ruruka asked. You giggled a bit. "I-uh, well...I don't think Seiko has told you yet but....we're dating..." You said after a big sigh. "Ooh, now I get why you have been blushing and smiling at Seiko." Ruruka said while smiling big. "W-what? Who has been blushing and smiling?" Seiko asked as she walked out of the room she kept her medicines in and locked the door. "Hehe, (y/n) just said that you too were dating and now I understand why you've been so happy lately." Ruruka replied to Seiko, still smiling. "O-oh, (y/n), you told her? I was going to wait to tell her until a better time." Seiko said and looked at you. "I'm sorry Sei." You said quietly, avoiding Seiko's gaze. "It's okay (y/n)." Seiko said before she walked over to Ruruka and handed her the drug she requested. "Thank you~" Ruruka chirped as she motioned for Sonosuke to get up so she could.

~itty bitty timeskip~

Sonosuke and Ruruka left a while ago so it was just you and Seiko in her office. "S-Sei, could, continue what we started earlier?" You asked Seiko nervously. Seiko took her mask off and set it on her desk, smiling a bit. "Sure, I'd love to." Seiko said as she softly pushed you until you hit the wall.

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