The Outsiders

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So anyone who is my irl friends will know we have read The Outsiders and started watching the movie and I'm obsessed. I'm reading all this Fanfiction so here we go!!


3rd PoV:

The whole gang was at the Curtis house and Johnny was sitting in the kitchen bored out of his mind.
All he wanted to do was see a movies but the other boys wouldn't pay attention and Ponyboy was sick.
I could ask Dally.....but he'll just flirt with all the girls. Eh screw it.
Johnny ran out side to see Dally on the porch smoking.
"Hey, Dal."

"Hey JohnnyCake."

"Wanna sneak into the movies? No flirting though."

"Aw but that takes all the fun out of it." Sally responds smirking.

"Just one time man." Johnny says half begging.

If it was anyone else Dallas would've laughed. But he cared about Johnny. He was actually important to him. Movies are boring. But it is Johnny and I can't let him go alone.

Dally shakes his head but smiles, "Let's go then." He messes Johnnys hair up and puts out his cigarette as starts walking to the movies. Johnny quickly follows with a huge grin.

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