Kol x Davina

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After the finale of the most recent season....*spoilers*.......Kol got a matching, necklace/earrings/ and ring.
So here is the proposal scene.


3rd PoV:

Kol was confident in his decision and he was confident in Davina saying yes. Yet he was still a little nervous and had thought of it for a while. Then he spent a week planning it and changing what he was going to say.

Now tonight was the night. Kol spent the day getting everything together and told Davina to meet him on the room of "their place". Also known as a place they watch the stars and occasionally "do the nasty".

Davina had arrived on the roof and was looking at the stars that started to appear. Christmas lights were hung up everywhere since hats what Davina loved.

"You look gorgeous love."

With a minor blush she turns because she still wasn't used to his compliments and affection. Davina wore a dark blue dress and Kol wore a tuxedo. {Pics above}

"Hey." She says.

Kol walks over kissing her forehead, "Hey."

"What's with the fancy dinner?" She questions.

"You'll see." Kol says with his signature smirk.

~cute convo and dinner~

"Now will I find out what's with the fancy dinner?" Davina asks grinning at Kol.

They were standing at the edge of the roof looking at the stars now fully out.

"I love you Davina Claire."

"And I love you Kol Mikaelson."

Kol smiles genuinely, "I got you a gift."

Davina gets a surprised look but doesn't say anything. Kol reaches into his jacket and pulls out a two boxes.

"Well c'mon love open them." He says as she held them.

Davina bites her lip putting down the bigger box and opens the small one.

"Oh my god! These are gorgeous Kol. Thank you!" Davina squeals and throws her arms around Kol. He laughs and hugs her back.

"Gorgeous diamonds for a gorgeous girl. Now open the other." He says.

Davina nods still with a huge smile and switches boxes. She gapes at the necklace and just kisses Kol. "I love you so much thank you!"

Kol kisses her again and just holds her waist.

"What's the occasion?" She's asks with a smile.

"You'll see." Kol says again smirking.

Kol puts the necklace on her but suggests the earrings for another time. "Now wait." He whispers in her ear.

They look out at the sky again and within a minute fireworks go off. Davina squeals excitedly and Kol looks at her as she looks at the fireworks.
Halfway through Kol vamp speeds and turns on a song that they both loved during all their debates when they met.

"May I have this dance?"

Davina nods and steps into his embrace. They slow dance just looking into eachothers eyes, totally in love.

When the song ends Kol suggests watching the ending of the fireworks. As the finale booms Kol pulls out the box and nervously plays with it. Then the message lights up across the sky.

Will you Marry Me?

"Oh my god Kol!" Davina turns around to see Kol on one knee.

Eyes wide she brings her hands up to her face as he opens the box.

"I love you Davina Claire. You made me feel again. I never cared I was just a ruthless vampire. You changed everything for me and hell I don't know how to explain how much I love you. So Will you marry me?" Kol asks with a hopeful smile.

Davina drops her hands and gapes at him, "Uh-Oh my god. Yes! Yes, I love you so much yes."

Kol jumps up kisses Davina then pulls away sliding the ring on her finger.

"Your amazing." Davina mumbles before hugging him and lays her head on his chest/shoulder.

"Aw do you really think so?" He asks sarcastically.

"Your an idiot." Then she laughs and steps back, "My fiancée is an idiot."

"I like the sound of that." Kol says before stepping forward and hugging her again.

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