Henry and Hook

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Henry helping Hook with everything modern;

"It's an alarm clock! Don't put your Hook through it!"

"It's beeping!!"

"Here this button shuts it off"

"Netflix on the tv we can binge."

"What on where and what?"

"You'll see."

"That not how to turn on the air conditioner!"

"You can sail a boat and not drive a car?"

"Just teach me."

"I barely know how but okay. Right is gas left is brake."


"No. Stop slow down! Ahhhhh don't slam on the breaks ease into these th-ahhhh slow down."

Some experts 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

Hope you liked!


OTP OneShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora