Oliver x Felicity

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So I was about to write what they would be like but you saw what they were like on Arrow and this idea popped into my head and I'm happy

High school Au:

What Olicity would be like:

-social circles are so different

-friend groups sometimes associate

-a huge shock to everyone!!!

-proud boyfriend Oliver whenever she accomplishes something tech wise

-proud girlfriend Felicity whenever he does something jock wise

-hella protective Oliver

-the glares at other boys omg

-under the bleachers kissing

-beach getaway weekends

-study groups between their friends

-PDA af Oliver

-Shy af Felicity with PDA

-Oliver always makes sure she is comfortable

-Thea is so happy

-girl talks and shopping trips

-Oliver happy to see ^ them getting along

-Tommy gives Felicity the "don't hurt him speech"

-Tommy gives the same one to Oliver because Felicity is really a babbling dork

-Supportive gf Felicity at sports games

-the couple that always looks in love no matter what they are going through

Teenage Oliver omg


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