SpiderMan/Iron Man (Bro)

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If you saw Spider-Man Homecoming you know that Tony Stark adopted Peter Parker

So here's another list of what this consists of (later on)


Peter must call once a week so Tony knows he's okay (but that's not what he tells Peter)

•"I need to make sure your suit isn't ruined" aka I need to make sure your suit is safe because I don't want you hurt

•"How's your Aunt May?" Or how are you and your family doing

•Wants Peter to be better than him

•No matter how much Peter strays from school Tony pushes him back

•Finding out Peter wants to do something super dangerous and have a suit tail him invade he needs help

•Peter insisting that he can go on missions alone which Tony always shuts down

•Happy helping Spider-Man sneak around on missions occasionally Pepper helps

•When Tony finds out he's super pouty threatens to take the suit but allows him to go on missions expect he also comes with

•Peter leaving voicemails describing his Spider-Man day

•Tony being proud when Peter gets an award at school

•Find outs Flash teases him about the internship so he makes it a point to pick up Peter one day and sarcastically waves at Flash

•Peter stumbling and blushing getting into the car "You didn't need to do this Mr. Stark"

•Father/Son friendship dude

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