Reader Check-In

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I just wanted to thank you guys for continuing to read. And obviously spreading the word because it seems I get new readers everyday.

For those who read my other stories, I have not given up on them. I'll try to update this weekend. I just think taking a break and trying something new is good.

I just wanted to check-in and see how you guys are feeling about the story and K and O.

I got a major idea the other day for how they both end up at the end of the year and let's just say it's going to be rough. Things are not going to turn out as expected. But I think it'll make for an interesting sequel if you guys want it. You can let me know at the end of this book.

Anyway, talk to me y'all. And any updates or links you see on O, you can Always send my way.

Also for Cam fans, he has a show on Nickelodeon that is so hilarious. It makes me love him even more. He meets with kids and helps them follow their dreams. It comes on every Friday. Trailer below.

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