Odell Boy If You Dont

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Did y'all read what Odell said about the Khloe situation. Chile...he is such a bad liar. 😂😂😩🙄

Read what he said below with my commentary and my letter to the possible girl he was dating at the time. My commentary is italics.

His words.

"Whoever was there taking the pictures inside of a private party, inside of a private-er, private-er area of the house"

(Y'all know by him saying private-er he trying to say they shouldn't have been taking pictures with they nosey asses. So he didn't expect to be seen.)

"we were in the kitchen of the house, where there was only like 15 people. It's just kind of like...'dating'?" he told GQmagazine's August 2016 issue. "I just met this person. This is maybe the second conversation we've had."

(😒 odell I have met plenty of people and by the second conversation I am not between they legs and their hand not close to my ass. Boy if you don't...😂😂😂)!

Unfortunately, the short-lived rumors lasted long enough to affect his personal life. "Things go like that," he said, "and then some other girl that I may have been talking to hear about it, and now it's more drama, more commotion in my life. And I'm sitting here trying to explain my situation to somebody, and it's really not even a situation."

Im not saying he dating Khloe but them pictures didn't look like his second time meeting her. Basically he had a situation with somebody. Whoever she was got in his ass, and he had to explain the photos. She, whoever she is even if she is you know what, has a right to be mad. If we were talking and I saw those photos I would be upset too!!!

So here's my letter to his situation

Dear Girl that's Odell's secret situation,

Girl don't fall for his lies, perfect six pack and undeniable football skills. Don't don't do it girl. Don't fall prey to his smile, probably amazing sex and NFL dollars. Don't let him play you girl. Leave him so the rest of us can have him. 😂😂😂. Respect yourself girl, let us who don't care that he lie and cheat have him. You deserve somebody better.

Okay I'm done but whoever the girl i hope she cussed his ass clean out. That was inappropriate especially if he knew he had somebody. Odell boy...🙄😂

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